Great Women of the XX century

Great Women of the XX century
 Marilyn Monroe, Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich and Vivien Leigh - no article about the great women of the past century is not complete without a mention of at least one, if not several of these film stars. However, the right to be called a great woman deserve not only screen beauties.

Princess Diana - the main Cinderella XX century, which has turned into a princess from an ordinary kindergarten teacher. She was a tireless benefactor and peacemaker, was considered a style icon and one of the most beautiful women of her time, she won the affection of the whole nation and could not melt the heart of a single Briton - her husband Prince Charles. Her life - a fairy tale with a beautiful beginning, heavy continuation and sad ending, but it's the tale of a strong woman whose image still inspires a lot of people around the world.

Eva Braun - the greatest lover of the last century. More precisely, the best lover and the only wife of the greatest tyrants - Adolf Hitler. She met his fate in 17, but more than two years shared her lover with another woman. Becoming the only mistress of the future Fuhrer, Brown spent a great deal of work over and above their appearance to please Hitler. Unbearable stress Eve twice tried to commit suicide. She became the personal secretary of Hitler, but no one took it seriously and did not connect with the personal life of the dictator. Her tale began on 29 April, when a 15-year love affair finally ended with the wedding. Consent to the marriage was doomed last gift Fuhrer main woman in his life. Having stayed in the role of his wife exactly 40 hours, Eva Braun took cyanide and Hitler sent a bullet into his mouth.

Bonnie Parker - the greatest culprit and the most famous mistress of the criminal world. Petite beauty Bonnie and Clyde Barrow her partner were a couple of aestheticism robbers wield the vast America during the Great Depression. They are fashionably dressed and loved to be photographed, mimicking people with posters. Their crazy fairy tale with a criminal bent lasted for both until his death, when 176 police bullets riddled Ford V8, which rode lovers. Bonnie went down in history as the dashing criminal, faithful lover and author of his only poem titled "The Story of Bonnie and Clyde."

Maria Sklodowska-Curie - the greatest woman scientist. At the beginning of XX century, when married ladies were supposed to keep an eye on the house and not get involved in science, providing such serious business men, it is not just helped him in his studies, but also won the Nobel Prize in physics with him. After her husband's death Maria continued the business of their lives, and in 1911 she received a second Nobel Prize, this time in chemistry, becoming the world's first two-time Nobel Prize winner. It opened the way for women in science, inspiring them with his shining example.

Vanga - the greatest fortune teller of the last century. As a 12 year old girl, Wang lost her sight, but instead got a chance to see what does not open to ordinary people. Bulgarian clairvoyant not only helped millions of people, taking them at home with little or no rest, but also persuaded scientists in their supernatural abilities. Among the famous predictions of Vanga - the collapse of the Soviet Union and the accident at the Chernobyl NPP.

Anna Pavlova - the greatest ballerina of the last century. Her ability to improvise and to trust a burst of inspiration was so strong that the pattern of her dance is never repeated. Performed by her essay "The Dying Swan" is not only deeply impressed the author of music - Camille Saint-Saens, and for many years was the hallmark of Russian ballet. According to legend, the last words of Paul, uttered before his death, were as follows: "Prepare my swan costume! "The name of this ballerina is known far beyond the borders of Russia. For example, in the Australian confectionery still possible to buy a cake, named in her honor.

Larisa Latynina - the greatest athlete of the XX century and, what is especially nice, our compatriot. This charming gymnast in his entire career has won 18 Olympic medals, exactly half of them - gold. This result has yet to be surpassed by any person, regardless of gender and sport, in which he acts.

Valentina Tereshkova - the first woman in space, and the idol of millions of women of her time, who copied her hair and bought up with great speed watch "The Seagull", named after its callsign. It not only opened a new chapter in the history of space exploration, but also became the mother of the first child, both of whose parents were astronauts. In addition, Tereshkova - the only female general in the history of the Russian army.

Tags: woman past century, the great scientist