Female politician Irina Khakamada

Female politician Irina Khakamada
 Not in today's Russia better known female politician than Khakamada. Even now, when Irina already out of the political game. What is so special about this woman with an unusual name for a Russian ear and short, "boyish" haircut? This question is asked more than once, and many male politicians, envious glances in the direction of Irene.

Irina ancestors of famous samurai clan Ogasawara in the XI century, distinguished career, gained ground in the north of Japan. In shape it was like a samurai pants - Japanese "hakama"; and the earth - "yes", and that's happened, "Hakamada."

Her father was a Japanese Communist Mutsuo Hakamada. In Irina combines two cultures: Russian (or Soviet) and Japanese. This is reflected even in appearance, but in its character and behavior. She's strong, but quiet and restrained. It is even reflected on her manner of dress: black, strict pantsuits - no liberties. "The black color - a symbol of the fact that I'm a woman samurai" - she said in an interview.

In general, the image Khakamada very interesting. It can be described by such a paradox: it is - a woman in politics, but in politics it is - not a woman. In traditionally male field Irina plays on men's rules, no flirting, no flirting, as would have done different. She has achieved great success, thanks to its commitment, pragmatism and rationalism. All the actions she thinks several steps ahead.

Although she Khakamada stressed that male behavior - it's just part of it, which manifests itself in politics, but there is another, which most did not see. Khakamada told me about the contradictions in his character, explaining their mix of different nationalities: "What got from Russian grandmother femininity, amorous, gentleness. From a distance, especially on television, it's hardly noticeable. There I was, rather, the daughter of his father's women gathered, rigid, which makes his professional career in the men's field. And this, too - I is not a game, not a mask. "

Many will say that if a woman is successful in politics - then in his personal life, she is not all right ... But Khakamada and succeeded in this field: she is married, raise children, grandchildren nurses.

In 2008, Irina Khakamada withdrew from politics. Since then, she's working on his books, reading workshops on successful business projects, teaches at the MGIMO, runs a program on "Russian news service" and even produces clothing together with fashion designer Lena Makashova under the brand name "hakama". The clothes are obvious features of the Japanese - strong colors, asymmetrical closed form. In the latest collection of shoes in men's style is expressed.

Tags: woman, biography, politician Hakamada