The ideal press for 8 minutes a day

The ideal press for 8 minutes a day
 Who of us girls, does not dream of a beautiful, flat tummy! That nothing hung nowhere "bulge", well at all ... To all so gracefully, smart and sexy look. That's me, in anticipation of the coming summer and the upcoming beach season is increasingly coming to mind was so sweet in its inaccessibility word "press". Why out of reach? Because all my attempts to do something in this direction ended in disorder: that time is not enough, then the forces, some other reasons surfaced, downright make you forget about the grueling training.

Weak we still, create, girls ... So would I worried about her hidden under a layer Zhirkov press (because somewhere he still is!), If not for my husband (by the way, is regularly engaged in gym). He found to his beloved wife, though a bit lazy in terms of physical activity, a good program from the Internet, which was calledThe ideal press for 8 minutes a day. That's about it I want to talk today in the pages of women's magazine JustLady.
To begin my faithful he reviewed all proposed video "Perfect Press 8 minutes a day" exercise. Moreover - all personally tested and checked, so to speak, efficiency. After that issued your resume wife, they say, can be engaged and no doubt in use. As for the statement " ideal press for 8 minutes a day"Says bet: train preferably at least twice a day (morning and evening), but the rest, running your hands, and - go! Said as cut. Well, I think my husband just gave good means it is necessary to have him for this case sports a fashionable suit beg (not in the same old life a new start) and even start training.

For the purity of the experiment measurements of themselves in the waist (to then proudly brag about lost centimeters) to determine the time and place to study. Though promise usideal press for 8 minutes a dayBut these moments, too, because we must first of the day schedule to carve. Not to eat before or after the class (for an hour), and that households do not interfere with their "vidual" tips such as: straighten the arm here, a leg there bend. Just want to say: the first time muscles ached unbearably - say probably my creepy "unsportsmanlike" past.

But I endured bravely, worked regularly and gradually become even (do not believe it!) To enjoy the training. Yes, and my belly began to shrink in size - some more podnazhmu, you see, and press announced. Let's try it together? Will engage in lying, so you will need some mat. Be sure to ventilate the room before training - during exercise the body needs fresh air. Each workout begins with a small warm-up: jump rope, do side bends, circles and swings hands. At each exercise is given ~ 45 seconds, total - an ideal press for 8 minutes a day, as promised creators of video.

The ideal press for 8 minutes a day

1. Starting position: lying down, legs bent at the knees (90 degrees), hands behind his head. Begin to raise your upper body to the knees - are drawn up chest (neck should try to keep straight, to avoid injury). Lower back off the floor do not separate!

2. a). Starting position is not changed, only slightly adjust the lifting technique: try to get the right elbow to left knee (leg off the floor).
c). Starting position is the same, change the side: now are drawn left elbow to right knee. Try to feel the muscles work and follow the correctness of the exercise: Do not tilt your head forward! It is difficult, but what to do - remember our purpose: ideal press for 8 minutes a day.

3. Legs raised above the floor (knees bent at 90 degrees) and are drawn straight arms to the knees. Try not to make unnecessary movements feet, all that is required of you - to rise to them as closely as possible.

4. Starting position before (very handy!), But now lift the upper torso and legs bent at the knees (90 degree angle). Hands are freely along the body, feet flat on the floor. Severing the lower back off the floor - are drawn his knees to his chest - return back to its original position.

5. Now put your knees to the right side (back on the floor), left hand behind his head rewound, the right hand is free along the trunk. Begin to lift the left side of the torso, knees off the floor, do not release. Then change the position: legs lay on the left side, and lift makes the right side of the trunk.

6. Continue to lie, feet flat on the floor, feet shoulder width apart. Hands outstretched, hands one above the other. Do hands forward movement and lift the upper torso. Try not to get back his head and pressed his chin to his chest.

7. Place the palm of your hand under the buttocks, legs lift and cross the foot. Drag their feet up, lifting your lower back. Shoulders off the floor, do not open!

8. The starting position in the second exercise, complex "ideal press for 8 minutes a day." Only towards the lifting change for each account: time - left elbow to your right knee, two - right elbow to your left knee. Perform exercises at a rapid pace.

9. Put the palm of the press and begin to raise your upper body. Feet from the floor, comes off your chin to your chest is not pressed. That's it - this is the last exercise of the complex "The ideal press for 8 minutes a day. "I wish you success and quickly get in shape!

Svetlana Krutova

Tags: press, exercise, review, gymnastics