Slender legs weekly exercises

Slender legs weekly exercises
 Women dream of becoming owners of the strong shapely legs. There is a set of exercises that will make legs more slender. Regular classes a week will bring the desired result. Train for 15 minutes a day, and your thighs, buttocks and calves will find beautiful shape.  


This exercise will help to lose weight in your legs for a week and make them slimmer. Stand up straight. Pick up over his head expander, a stick or a rolled-up rug. Set slightly forward with one leg stretched toe. The body is slightly tilted back. Exposed leg and body should form a diagonal line. Follow max outstretched leg and simultaneously lower the arm to shoulder level in front of him. Hold this position for a second and then return to its original position. Then change legs. Do 10 repetitions for each leg.

Solve the problem of ugly feet complex. In addition to the special exercises, begin to follow the diet and carry out anti-cellulite treatments.

Rise through the side

Select a rigid support, such as a chair. Stand in front of him straight, lean forward, holding hands for support. Body weight transfer on one leg. While others take aside and fix it for a moment at the top. The foot should be extended. Try to take your foot on the angle close to direct. This is a complex exercise brings stunning effect for the legs.

Exercise "Butterfly"

This exercise is one of the best for slender legs and hips. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend and Abut hands on the floor, so that the body has formed an inverted «V». Rise to the socks. Bounces, taking them off the floor, approximately 30 cm. At the top of the jump connect the feet together. Do 20 repetitions.


Stand with your feet together. Under the right foot enclose a rolled mat and press the outstretched foot. Stretch your arms in front of you and join hands together. Squeeze the pad, leaning forward and keeping your back straight. To legs thinner and acquired harmony, to do so in each workout 10 times.

Do the exercises for slimming legs right mode 4-5 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Squats with an emphasis

To perform this exercise for shapely legs, you will need a timer. Set it to 100 seconds. Stand at the open door, her face to the narrow edge. You should stand behind the bench. Grab hold of the door handles, arms straight. Slowly count to ten, lowering the body until it touches the bench, but do not sit on it. Field a short pause again count to ten and go to the starting position. Repeat until pulls out of time.

The rise of the feet

Again, set the timer to 100 seconds. Turn to face the wall, set his feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other. Under the feet put a rolled towel or mat. Keep balance, leaning against the wall with his hands. Count to ten, picking up a foot to touch only the towel toes. To achieve shapely legs, stay in this position for ten seconds and strain the calf, then slowly lower. Repeat until enough time.

Tags: foot, a week, a complex exercise, exercise, leg