Simple tips on how to maintain and improve the shape after childbirth

 Pregnancy behind and wonderful newborn baby pleases you every day with new and new achievements. The first weeks spent at home after discharge from the hospital, you can without exaggeration be called the happiest days in the life of every woman. Everything that happens to us in these days, it seems, by some miracle: your and only your child wheezes sweet in her crib, and you now - my mother, and soon your crumb will tell you it is a magical word, looking at you every minute and Support love.

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Often look at myself in the mirror

Now you in any case should not run their health and with characteristic many parents rush to extremes of fanaticism child care, depriving yourself of sleep, a healthy diet and proper rest.

Understand, looking at you, kid will get their first glimpse of the outside world. If you constantly tired, nervous, sad and tortured, namely that, as a rule, and end attacks parental over-enthusiasm, the kid will think that the world is cruel and evil people.

But the cheerful mother tightened emitting positivism and joy, help him to easily adapt to reality.

Why gymnastics?

Keep yourself in good emotional and physical form, you will be getting regular exercise, namely simple exercises specifically designed for just women who gave birth, as well as adherence to the correct mode. Benefits of systematic physical exercise is evident.

Women who have recently become mothers, it is necessary to pay special attention to the muscles of the pelvic floor. The fact is that after delivery, these muscles, as all the pelvic organs, were very weak, and the blood flow in them is considerably reduced.

Restore the normal function of these organs and expand blood vessels may only exercise the load abdominals, back muscles and pelvis. For many of us there are stretch marks after pregnancy, the skin becomes loose, legs protrude vein. If we do not take myself in hand and begin to fight for a beautiful healthy body, then after a year or two the situation could become critical, and former beauty natural methods, alas, will not return.

Observe the regime of the day

Most likely, your mode of the day will be completely subordinated to the regime of the baby. Many mothers are so included in his new role as fit to talk about the kind of mother-workaholic syndrome. Conversely, some are in constant apathy, laziness and drowsy.

And one and the other one advice: alternate care of the child, the daily household chores and sleep with walks in the fresh air, outdoor activities and mandatory exercise. The more you get distracted from diapers and deal with them, the easier it will be with these same diapers fiddle.

Making your daily schedule, keep in mind that, on average, the highest physical performance observed in humans from 10 to 12 and from 16 to 19 hours. Try to get in that time the most difficult work in the home, as well as physical exercises that you perform .
Make every effort to ensure that doing exercise, rest and walk strictly at a certain time. Your body gets used to the adjusted schedule and will work "like a clock", helping you fully given to every minute, conducted with a small child.

How to do the exercises?

In order to exercise is fun and useful, invigorates the mind and body, rather than depletes the body, you must follow a few simple tips.

- Proceed to exercise immediately after a nap or a short rest.
- Focus on the gym, do not be distracted by boiling on the stove food and other household chores. If you do exercise interruption, the use of them is very small.
- Carrying out exercises, follow the breath. Let it not "running" in front of you. Breathe slowly, consciously, freely.
- Try to feel every muscle and curve of your body. It trains posture, grace and sense of balance.
- In the afternoon or in the morning perform strenuous strength training. Before going to bed, go to the calming exercises aimed at muscle relaxation.
- Minimum sessions should last 15 minutes. Ideal takes 40 minutes 2 times a day.

Morning gymnastics - positive mood for the whole day

Still not getting out of bed, stretch like a cat awakened and start a simple exercise. Nerves become stronger, the body will catch up, and smile will be a frequent visitor to your face.

1. "The Bridge on the contrary": Lie on your back, bend your knees, feet shoulder-width apart place, folded his hands on his head and connect 3 - 5 times (to start) easily and smoothly over the bed arch your spine in the lower back, and then scroll down. In the future, bringing the number of repetitions to 10 - 50 times, making the exercise more intense and more intense.

2. "coup": from the same starting position stretch your legs, lift up your hands and lightly roll over on the right side first, and then to the left. Repeat 3-5 times. Have fun, feeling your body bends gracefully.

Daily exercise for the perfect form

Making their own individual list of exercises, be sure to select the ones that you really like. Try to make your gym complex diverse, involving all the muscles and tired of endless repetition. Paying occupations, even for 15 minutes 2 - 3 times a day, a week later you will notice the difference.

1. "Easy breathing": lying on his back, spread your arms wide apart, making breath, return to the starting position and exhale. Repeat 3 - 4 times. Breathe slowly and deliberately.

2. "Beautiful legs": Lie on your back. Take a deep breath, exhale, lift your right leg straight as possible to the vertical position, inspiratory lower. Repeat 5 - 6 times for each leg. Then, from the same starting position lift has both feet and make sure that breathing is not delayed. Repeat 3 - 4 times.

3. "The Angry Cat": Starting position: Stand on all fours. On the inhale pull your belly and crotch, hold 3 - 4 seconds, then relax, exhale at the same time. Repeat 5 - b times.

4. "Welcome": Kneeling, arms out to the side, take a breath, a little bend the body. Lowered his hands, exhale. Repeat 3 - 4 times.

5. "Ballet": Facing the back of the chair and holding her hands, sit down on the exhale, Kolonjë District press together. Return to starting position. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

6. "We strive upward": Stand facing the back of a chair and place your hands on the back of it. Keeping your heels together and toes apart as much as possible, go up on your toes, pull your crotch, so hold 3 - 4 accounts and then return to starting position. Do not hold your breath, and the body does not lean forward. Repeat b - 8 times.

Taking care of yourself, and you care about your baby. Does he need a gloomy, angry, unkempt, rastolstevshie mom? Of course, he will love you all, but whether you love yourself do this? But all is not so difficult: a few simple exercises a day, walking in the fresh air, and now appears on your cheeks pink blush, I want to live, create and invest blossomed soul in the most wonderful child in the world - your baby.

Tags: born Ambassador, figure, advice, improvement