Quick exercises for a beautiful posture

Quick exercises for a beautiful posture
 Women hunched nobody likes, so if you have a habit, get rid of it immediately. How? Need to do special exercises for a beautiful posture: keep your back straight, look straight ahead and never slouch. You think that you are doing all this so, but there is no result? Well, in that case, a more comprehensive approach. These exercises will help you keep accurate harmony and strengthen the back.

To perform the first exercise you will need an ordinary flat wall. Stand up to her, leaning back so that the wall simultaneously touch your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and neck. In this position, take a deep breath and exhale. Now imagine that your chest is a small loop that you want to stretch. You chest distending stretching thus this loop, while they themselves continue to cling to the wall of all four points. Stand so you need at least five minutes, if you can more - stand more. Exercise helps to secure the correct posture, straighten your shoulders and stretch the spine.

Wonderful exercise for stress relief and clamp the shoulders and neck - muscle tension. Pull your head deep into the shoulders, as if trying to reach their earlobes. Thus it is necessary to look straight ahead and breathe deeply and evenly. Exercise duration - 30 seconds longer remain in such a position is not necessary. Exhale deeply and relax. Very often the cause stoop is joint pain in the neck to prevent this from happening, regularly puncture the exercise.

Shrugged and stop slouching - that's half the battle. It is important to make sure that your muscles are strong enough to support the shoulders and chest in the desired position. Be sure to follow exercises that help strengthen the muscles of the shoulders and straighten the chest. Very good exercise - mixing blades. Slightly bend your elbows, take a deep breath and exhale pinch the blade as close as possible. Stay in this position, continue to breathe deeply and look ahead. The duration of exercise as 30 seconds.

Immediately after the blades information useful to do an exercise on the other muscle groups - the opposite. Join hands in the lock, turn it out and straighten your arms in this position forward. Head tilted down, arms parallel to the floor, breathing freely. Try to relax your neck and shoulders of the maximum strain. This exercise strengthens the chest, reduces the severity of neck and helps with headaches.

Importantly, always remember that your back should be straight and your head tilted up. Monitor your position wherever you are and do not let fatigue or bad mood ruin your posture and appearance. Engage yourself and always be slim and fit.

Tags: posture, exercise