Making the waist home

 Many of our readers with great enthusiasm started to do fitness at home. Many of the first results: the whole figure is tightened, the waist becomes thinner. But there were some questions that we will answer. How to turn the hoop and can we be saved from bruises? How to improve the results? How to further develop the obliques?

Technique rotation hoop

As practice shows, not all are able to twist the hoop correctly. So as to give the maximum load on the waist and not create undue stress in the back. Even more, some of our domestic athletes on the sides and waist bruises stood out, free to continue training. Therefore, we turned to the experts who spoke about the proper technique of rotation of the hoop on the waist. It is best to rehearse in front of a mirror, as long until you are all done automatically.

1. Starting position: legs necessarily together, hand in hand, or behind the head, back straight forward. If the legs wide apart, you do not get enough to work effectively waist muscles. In the work immediately connected thighs, buttocks, and a full range of small waist is not certain.

2. Waist movement should be quiet, rhythmic, in any case, not jerky, not to hurt your back.

3. It is not necessary to twist back and forth to do a rotation in a clockwise direction.

4. The amplitude of the rotation, that is, waist circle should be as small as possible.

5. It is only necessary to rotate the waist, chest and buttocks are not involved!

6. Twist on an empty stomach! And it would be good to do some pre-breathing exercises to "kick out" the excess air out of the stomach and allow the muscles to better worked through.

7. Breathing exercises will suit any. Try, for example, the following exercise. Large very long "to the diaphragm" exhale as if inflate a balloon, but without inspiration. Then through the nose with the mouth closed, a big breath, like a vacuum cleaner sucking in air. After that blow all the air. All this is done without pauses. Suffice it to 3-4 times.


Termopoyasov for weight loss answer to the second question: how to improve the results. Many of us do not think of fitness training without it. And rightly so. He's like a local mini-sauna helps get rid of excess centimeters at the waist. It also supports the back and abdomen.

But if you wear it during torsion of the hoop, so that you can protect yourself and painful bruises that often accompany the first time occupation.

By the way, as recommended by the experts in the classroom with sweat out toxins. Therefore, the belt should be washed as often as possible.

Disk health

Another exercise for the waist - a drive health. Perhaps one of the simplest and most available simulators, it can be practiced by people of all ages and body type.

Load it define yourself. The more energetically engaged -Themes more calories expended and intensively worked out obliques. Very good to use it before classes with a hoop drive warms up the muscles. But you can use it as a standalone simulator. The main thing - regularity. Every day for 15-20 minutes or every other day to 30. By the way, just to cheer themselves after a long seat, improve mood or relieve stress - is generally sufficient and 2-3 minutes.

What are its advantages: in addition to strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, the disc increases the mobility of the spine, improves circulation, reduces weight, and even improves intestinal motility due to internal massage.

Many health drives also have a special embossed surface, an additional effect on the entire body. This kind of acupressure on the foot has a general Healthy Effect - because we know that there are points on the stupa, responsible for the work of the most important organs. Additional stimulation of these points improves the performance of the whole organism, giving tone and vigor.

And, of course, it should be noted that the drive health is convenient for its compact and allows you to use the premises with any metrazhom- even in the kitchen watching TV, though at the desktop at lunchtime.

Let's summarize the merits of disk health:

- Improves performance, improves mood, reduces fatigue quickly.
- In general, heals the body by the action of acupuncture points on the foot.
- Development of the vestibular (movement coordination)
- Effective weight loss (making figure slim and toned)
- Strengthening obliques.
- Improved flexibility of the body.
- Warming up the muscles before long professional training.

Tags: waist