How to train light

How to train light
 Train light - a very useful exercise, which is shown not only to people after injuries and respiratory diseases. Exercises that help train the body to be performed also for prevention.  
 Breathing exercises can improve ventilation, to train the muscles of the chest and diaphragm, improve blood circulation and normalize gas exchange in the tissues of the human body, including the brain.

Lie on the floor so that the chest, neck and head were on the same level. Now slowly inhale air nose while trying to abdominal wall "protruded" outside. During this lower part of the lungs filled with air, which is very useful in a variety of stagnation (purulent pneumonia, chronic bronchitis). Two seconds, hold your breath and gently tighten your abdominal muscles inward. Now exhale slowly nose. Once again, hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. Then start the exercise again, and remember that move during breathing should only abdominal wall and chest should remain stationary. You need to start training with 5-7 such exercises, adding every week 1-2 until you reach 21 times. After this, can complicate the exercise, putting on his stomach with a small bag of sand or other object, weighing not more than 1, 5 kg.

Take the starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Slowly and quietly make a very deep breath, trying to inhale the maximum amount of air. Now take a sharp and strong exhale through the nose - it must be accompanied by a loud sound. Then, for a second without stopping, relax and "puffed out" abdominal muscles - so the air will be sucked himself into the middle and lower part of the lungs. During this exercise, you will not only train and clears the lungs, but also clears the nasal passages. At the same time the muscles abdominal massage internal organs, normalizing blood circulation.

Sit or lie down on the floor. Calmly breathe air through your nose, then exhale through the mouth of his breathing shallow thrusts abdominal wall.

The following exercise is desirable to do before going to sleep, but you can at any time of the day. To do this, lie down on the bed so that the head and chest were on the same level. Within 5-7 minutes, just breathe deeply and rhythmically, trying not to think about nothing. Such an exercise takes uneven tension, improves blood circulation and also helps you sleep.

Tags: easy, gymnastics