How to strengthen the intrinsic muscles of hips

How to strengthen the intrinsic muscles of hips
 The inner part of the thigh - a very problematic area. Even slender girls often say treacherous laxity in the upper legs. The problem is exacerbated with the onset of summer - bikini and mini-shorts look beautiful just perfect thighs. Do not delay, start to fight for beautiful legs.
 Experts warn of fitness - the strengthening of the internal thigh muscles and burn excess fat can take a long time. In addition, the success is guaranteed only with regular workouts and sensible dietary restrictions. But after a couple of weeks you will feel the muscles become stronger, and the hip - slimmer and vividly.

Make your own training program. You can sign up at the gym and even hire a personal trainer. However, domestic employment benefit. The main thing - do not skip the gym. Intensively 3 times a week, and in the remaining days of the ten-minute limit to quick workout and cardio - brisk walking, jogging or jumping rope. Your task - to speed up the metabolism and strengthen the leg muscles.

The workout begins with a warm up - jumping, dancing to fast music. Then proceed to the main complex. Very effective exercises with a chair. Standing sideways to him, hold on to the back of his left hand. Right leg do Mahi back and forth. Then make a series of swings to the right, picking up the leg as high as possible. Sock pull over - you should feel as tense muscles. After finishing a series of swings, lift the leg bent at the knee at a right angle and the right hand, expand it to the right, holding his knee. Repeat each exercise 20 times, relax and make the entire complex again. Then turn around and begin a series of exercises for the left leg.

Very effective exercise - kicks from a prone position. Lie on the floor on your right side, lean on the arm, bent at the elbow. Keep the body straight, bend your right leg slightly at the knee. Raise your left leg as high as possible, sock pull over. Did not fail at the back to keep your balance, you can lean forward slightly. Take your time, do the exercise with full dedication. Do 20 swings, rest a minute and repeat the set. Then turn over to the other side and do the exercise for the right thigh.

Be sure to include a program of weight training. The best exercises for inner thigh muscles - plies and lunges. Pick up a dumbbell weight of 1, 5 kg. Make a step forward, holding hands with dumbbells at the waist. Push your foot and pull back a little swing on the supporting leg. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times each leg, making 2 sets.
Stand with feet wider than shoulders put into the hands take dumbbells and lift them to the shoulders. Lift up on your toes and slowly squat, wide spreading his knees. This exercise strengthens the excellent intrinsic muscles of the hips and trains balance. Run it 10 times, repeating the set twice.

Explore the very effective exercise with weights for legs. Ankle Weights wear or tie sandbags. Lie on your back, arms outstretched holding along the body. Lift the leg at a right angle and start to breed and to reduce them. Pull the socks over the knees do not bend. Perform each exercise slowly - you should feel tension in the muscles. Do 10 repetitions and lower legs. Repeat set twice with a little rest.

After finishing the exercises, be sure to stretch. The next day you will feel in the inner thigh muscles slight pain - this means that the training was successful.

Tags: leg fat, thigh exercise, gymnastics, burning