How to strengthen the muscles of the chest

How to strengthen the muscles of the chest
 Perfect breasts - it's the same phantom as the ideal woman. But, nevertheless, many women dream to get hold of a large bust with the help of exercise. Forget about it. Female breast - this is not a muscle, and iron, and it is impossible to pump. But you can strengthen the muscles surrounding the breast. This will allow you to maintain your long bust strong.  
 Even the most advanced bodybuilders do not come up with the best exercises for the muscles of the chest, than push-ups. However, men for this purpose more often squeeze the bar from a prone position. But for the female body pushups - the best way.

Classic pushup is performed based on the hands and toes. The body should be of a straight line with your feet. This helps to further load the muscles stabilizers.

Take the stress to perform push-ups. Put your hands slightly wider than shoulder width, toes turned forward. Slowly bend your elbows and lower body straight down. Try to touch the breasts of sex. Then slowly rise to its original position. Do not seek to straighten hands quickly, lifting should take no less time than downhill. Perform three sets a day for as many push-ups as work.

But this ideal. As a rule, the untrained women is very difficult to perform a full push-ups correctly. The reason for this - weak hands that do not bear the weight of the body, and weak muscles bark that can not keep the body rectified. In order not to spoil the technique, try to ease the strain on the muscles of his arms and core.

To facilitate the work of the hands wrung out not from the floor and from any elevation. The school girl is pushed away from the bench. Find a home stable piece of furniture suitable height and try wrung from him. For very weak handles can recommend ups from the wall. Most importantly, make sure that the changing your stamina, and gradually increase the load.

Another option to reduce the load is to perform push-ups, drawing on his knees. The requirements are the same - keep the body perfectly straight.

Gradually, you will feel the power and the ability to more complex types of push-ups. Remember, if you press your hands wide apart, you work the peripheral region of the pectoral muscles. To prime the middle part of the chest, push-ups, putting hands close together.

Very soon the chest muscles will get toned and beautiful shape.

Tags: muscle size, exercise, push-ups