How to remove the upper abdomen

How to remove the upper abdomen
 Upper abdomen - fat on the upper abdomen - manifested in the form of folds over jeans and delivers many concerns the fair sex. To remove the upper abdomen, you can use several methods that can be used both individually and comprehensively.
 In the first place, of course - the diet. Without it, the training will have little or no will bring results. Try to eat little, but 5-6 times a day. Healthy balanced diet by itself will give the harmony of shapes and improve the health and well-being. In addition, high-quality products will give energy for workouts and hasten positive results. Pick the right diet alone, but definitely give up fast food and dishes from restaurants and fast-food eateries.

Start exercising. In the training program include the maximum number of special exercises, working muscles of the upper part of the press. One of the most popular exercises in the group - the body rises from a prone position. People who have a large amount of belly fat, it is difficult to give. Therefore, at first persevered.

To complicate this exercise, follow him lying on an incline his head down. In the gym for this great bench for bench press with adjustable tilt. At home, it is possible to replace the board, leaning against the couch or wall bars. Consider the question of how to fix the legs.

Another way to complicate exercise - pick up a dumbbell and perform lifts with a dumbbell behind your head. Pick yourself a lot of complication, but at first it should not exceed 5 kg. Legs necessarily secure.

To remove not only the upper abdomen, but also the fat on the sides a little change this exercise. When lifting the housing to rotate your upper body alternately left and right. This exercise can also make it difficult, as it was described, and can be combined with the base. To do this, first lift the body without turning, then turns into one and the other side. The latter option will help to pump all the right muscles in a short time.

As a warm-up exercise, use or final hoop. Strictly speaking, twisting hoop can not be called an exercise, but a class with him to gently train the muscles of the abdomen, gradually removing fat deposits and folds. In addition, the hoop helps to get rid of flabby and stretched skin after weight loss.

Tags: muscle, stomach, exercise, fold and press