How to remove sagging belly

How to remove sagging belly
 Belly sag not only in women of advanced age. This can happen with very young girls who are not very fond monitor their diet, respects fast food and do not exercise. However, if desired, from sagging stomach can easily get rid of. The main thing is to make some effort to it.
 Saggy belly - a spectacle unpleasant, but not fatal. Especially if to take for myself, after a month of it there will be practically no trace. Only approach the problem necessarily need complex.

First, review your menu. Turn down in your diet the intake of carbohydrates. This means that you need to eat less pastry, muffins and sweet. It is better to replace them with vegetables, fruits, lean meat, milk and milk products. All this will help you relieve the body, get a burst of energy and vigor.

Do not forget about exercise. Running in the morning not only nourishes you with oxygen and improves mood, it also reduces the number of centimeters quietly on your waist.

Of course, you can not do without power exercises. You can either go to the fitness center, or practice at home on their own.

Experts recognize that particularly effective exercises to bring the stomach in order, only 2. This twisting of the hoop and press work. To pump up the stomach, give charging at least 15 minutes a day. Lie on the floor, lift your legs perpendicular to the floor (can be on something to lean) and begin to swing the press. The methods of this quite a lot. You can lift the whole body, can rock alternately - first in one direction and then in another, etc.

Wrap the same effect on the waist in a different way - it warms up the muscles and increases blood flow, which in turn helps to burn fat more efficiently, accumulated under the skin of the abdomen. Strengthen the load, taking the hoop with internal pimples.

Also, you will massage and body wrap. Spend them regularly and course and your waist is significantly reduced. Massage is done very carefully - after use such force as when massaging the whole body in the abdominal area is not recommended. All movements should be smooth, soft and flavorful. If you want to enhance the effect, even during a massage, wraps and add the basic means few drops of essential oil.

If you have neither the time nor the inclination to engage in such a complex program, you can simply go to a plastic surgeon who will help you in just a single day to get rid of sagging abdomen.

Tags: press, stomach, diet, exercise, fight