How to reduce the muscles on the legs

How to reduce the muscles on the legs
 The second step, the next step for the set weight is to lose excess fat, followed by a slight decrease in lean muscle mass. This is necessary for maximum relief. To reduce muscle legs, use a series of simple steps.
 The principle of action aimed at reducing muscle mass is very simple - it is necessary to cut the maximum amount of protein that enters the body, and in training to use a large number of repetitions and approaches middle and light weight. Also shows a large number of aerobic exercise to reduce body weight and muscle strengthening.

Your workout should begin and end with a treadmill or trainer "bicycle". Use the "fat burning" or, in his absence, "ragged" rhythm - a combination of medium and light loads. The maximum time spent in the entire workout at the gym, should be equal to forty minutes minimum - thirty.

Use exercises such as squats, exercises on a machine leg press, as well as simulators for flexion and extension legs. Use light and medium weight, with an emphasis on the speed of the exercise, as well as the number of repeats - from fifteen to twenty.

Eliminate from your diet foods that contain large amounts of protein and fat. For maximum effect, you can use any low-calorie diet. The best option is the date diet - you eat carbohydrates as long as necessary for the proper conduct of training.

Use aerobic exercise. Sign up for aerobics, step or fitness. The more time you spend for classes aimed at burning calories and strengthening the stamina, the faster the results. Remember that the most rapid effect you will achieve only if they meet all of the above conditions.

Tags: weight, leg muscle, decrease