How to increase the tibia

How to increase the tibia
 Specificity of exercises performed with a worsening lies in the fact that their performance at a fast pace and with a light weight contributes to the loss of muscle and fat mass, while the slow implementation of the exercise with heavy and average weight helps to increase muscle. This rule applies to all muscles and calf muscles are no exception.
 To work on the calf muscles need to perform exercises, implying rises on tiptoes. You can do them both at home and at the gym. Gym provides more opportunities for the use of weights, so a more optimal location for the study of the calf muscles.

Train your eggs in the same day, in elaborating his feet. Train them after the quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings legs, take a break from five to ten minutes. This will give your feet time to recover for a full study of the calf muscles. Set a stable platform height of fifteen to twenty centimeters. Put on the shoulders of the bar and stand on the platform on tiptoes. Climb up on your toes as far as possible slowly, straining with effort caviar in the final point of recovery. You must perform a minimum of twenty repetitions, so choose a working weight, respectively.

Use the simulator to study the calf muscles. Stand so that the emphasis was on your lower back and grasp the handles. With the power to lift the weight set using only eggs. Do this exercise slowly, focusing on controlling the movement of the projectile. Keep the muscles in constant tension without relaxing the calf for a second. Perform at least eighteen repetitions in each set.

As a final exercise, use the lifts on one leg. Stand on the platform for training the calf on one leg, the other tucked under him and holding a dumbbell. Slowly lift on tiptoes, with the strength straining a calf muscle legs. The final point of the strain of her struggles, and then slowly descend. Make three or four approaches, changing feet after each approach to the complete failure of the muscles.

Tags: shin, pumping