How to increase the width of the hips

How to increase the width of the hips
 Many women with thin build, want to see her hips more rounded. To make them more widely, it is necessary to pump the buttock and thigh muscles. Below is a set of exercises that will help increase the volume of the thighs.
 Stand up straight, feet are located nearby, hands on his belt. Exhale slowly start to squat, is given to the coccyx back. When hip become parallel to the floor, fix the position and hold it 10 - 20 seconds. On the inhale and slowly start to straighten legs. After a short rest, repeat another 4 - 6 times.

Lie on your back, put his hands behind his head, toes, pull over. On the exhale, bend the right leg at the knee and tighten it to her chest. Inspiratory straighten your leg, holding it above the floor. As you exhale, lift the leg up perpendicular to the floor. Inspiratory lower your leg to the floor. Perform at least 20 repetitions. Then do the exercise left foot.

Lie on your right side, place your hands as you are comfortable to hold the balance. On the exhale, lift your left leg up, point the toe itself. Do foot moves up and down without dropping it completely to the floor. Make 40 - 50 lifts, then repeat with the other leg.

Lie on your back, hands behind his head rewound, legs lift up, send the socks themselves. On the inhale slowly, spread legs apart, exhale at the same pace pinch. Follow the movement for 4 minutes.

Leaning on his elbows behind his back, his legs bend at the knees and tighten to the chest. On the inhale pull the legs off the floor, exhale, bend your knees again and send them to him. Make exercise 20 times.

Without changing the original position, perform the following exercises. Pull off the floor right leg, the left while holding the breast. Then, at the same time start to bend the right leg at the knee and straighten the left. That is, change the position of the feet alternately, straightening then right, then left foot. Do this exercise for 2 - 4 minutes.

Lie on your stomach, put his hands under the brow. On the exhale, lift your right foot off the floor, hold it a little bit in that position. Inspiratory lower your leg to the floor. Over the next exhale, lift your left leg up. Perform 30 lifts each leg.

Tags: hip exercise widths