How to get rid of the fat folds on the stomach

How to get rid of the fat folds on the stomach
 The appearance of fat folds on the stomach can contribute to many causes - pregnancy, childbirth, hormonal imbalance, overeating, lack of exercise. It will help get rid of a set of exercises for abdominal muscles and to maintain the overall tone of the body, which will help burn calories through enhanced metabolism.
 Metabolism is enhanced only at regular trainings. Best suited for this aerobic exercise, exercise at the gym, jogging, swimming, rhythmic dances with elements of aerobics. If classes are held from time to time, the effectiveness of fat burning will be zero.

To burn fat fast, join a group, where classes will be conducted by an experienced coach in a certain rhythm and consistency. Independent training will complement contributing to the outcomes.

Self-training use exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Before doing targeted exercises to work through certain muscle groups daily spend a total workout. It will be enough to make the squat 30 times, produce 20-30 trunk bending left, right, forward, backward and jogging for 2-3 minutes. Instead of jogging can use jogging in place or on the treadmill, which is very convenient.

The following exercise will be directed towards dealing with obliques. Lie on your back, toes attach the climbing wall or, in extreme cases, behind the sofa, lift the torso 100 times.

Obliques often suffer and stretched during pregnancy, so they need to be strengthened in the first place. Daily follow quite effective exercise. Lie on your right side, the maximum gather in the stomach, rapidly lift your left leg as far as possible. Perform each exercise for at least 100-150 times. Turn to the other side and just lift your right leg. At first glance, this exercise seems simple enough, but the first attempt is very difficult to perform even 50 lifts.

Lower abdominal muscles are strengthened at the same exercise, but need to raise the legs. In this case, the hand should be under my head. Both exercises are done in a very intensive mode. The slow pace is not conducive to burning fat.

Buy a heavy iron hoop. Daily twist it for 30-40 minutes. Systematic studies for several months to help you get rid of fat on the abdomen and significantly strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Despite intensive training results can not be, if not reduce calorie intake and do not stop to overeat at night. Make it a rule not later than 18 dining hours, eliminate from your diet all fatty, fried, spicy, sweet, semi-finished products, fast food, fast food, alcohol and carbonated drinks. Eat vegetables and fruit salads, porridge on the water, low-fat mashed cutlets steamed, boiled fish and you manage to get rid of fat on my stomach and throw 10-15 extra pounds.

Tags: fat, belly fold layer, fats, press