How to calculate the intensity of the workout

How to calculate the intensity of the workout
 Optimal physical activity is an effective way to prevent various diseases, among which the first place are heart disease. With the right dosage load is best to seek professional help, it will help to make this mode of employment that will correspond to the type of physical development and existing diseases. If you feel good, you do not have health problems, do not get headaches, blood pressure is normal, you can safely proceed to employment and without a doctor's advice.  

Exercise can be very diverse, it can be walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, gymnastics and more, here you can choose the most suitable option classes that you'll be pleased.

Proper breathing in sporting activities:
During exercise is very important to be able to breathe properly, it will save power and make the training as useful and healthy. With strong muscle tension should hold your breath, because in this case the chest can greatly shrink, and this should not be allowed: it is necessary to take a deep breath, stretch the chest and exhale maximally relaxed, uttering at the same time easy to moan.

The calculation of the pulse during exercise:
If you know your heart rate in the normal state, it can easily calculate the optimal load the program, do not hurt yourself by excessive exercise. Pulse in the normal state in healthy people is between 60-90 beats per minute.

When calculating the pulse can use the following formula: 260 deducted from your total years, then this number is divisible by 2, and eventually resulting number is your minimum heart rate for training. To achieve calorie burning during exercise should slightly increase this figure, only in this case, you can get the desired effect and benefit from the lessons.

Physical activity and blood pressure:
Increased blood pressure, as well as heart rate during sports is a good workout for the heart muscle and blood vessels. Usually after a workout is a decrease pressure and heart rate, the person feels sleepy, so at this time it is recommended to drink herbal teas and fruit juices to cheer up a bit.

When practiced regularly, the body gets used to such a regime and the state of drowsiness occurs. It should be remembered that only regular exercises you can achieve the desired result, make a figure slimmer and more attractive and improve their health.

Tags: practice, the load intensity