How to build buttocks quickly

How to build buttocks quickly
 Sagging buttocks problem occurs because of a sedentary lifestyle in the absence of the right loads. Employment at work or household chores is not always possible to find the time to visit the gym. However, in the home, you can tighten the buttocks and make them beautiful and elastic.
 Remember that in order to achieve the desired result it is necessary to engage in at least 3 times a week. At the end of each exercise, you should feel muscle fatigue and even slight pain. Working not at full strength, you will not get a visible effect.

Before training do not forget about heating muscles. To do this, stand up straight, feet together. Commit slopes down, trying to get his fingers floor, but without jerking. Through this exercise, the muscles become more flexible and ready for the next exercise. You can jump rope or do a few sit-ups incomplete.

Lie on the floor belly down, stretch your arms along the body, the head should be on the chin. Lift straight legs up as much as possible. You can raise both legs at the same time or one by one in turn. For greater efficiency try hold each leg in the air for several seconds. Repeat 15 to 25 times on each leg.

Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, palms put under your buttocks. Lift your pelvis up as high as you can. It is important to compress the muscles of the buttocks when lifting. Try to stay for a few seconds with a raised hand basin and mix and breed with the knees, making like cotton. The number of repetitions depends on your fitness level. If you can perform more than 20 times, then lay on his stomach extra load, such as a thick book and hold her hands.

Follow every day at least twenty squats. An important condition is that your heels are not fixed on the floor, otherwise you will not get the desired load on the muscles. Try to move a little weight on your heels. And just a month you will feel that your buttocks become much more resilient.

Be sure to lunge forward. Become straight, feet shoulder width apart. Take a step forward while squatting, lunging next do the other leg. If you can do more than 20 times on each leg, then you need to take the extra weight.

Get on your knees, palms rest against the floor. Commit mahi up sock should look straight down. But not lift due to inertia, but due to the controlled reduction of the buttocks. Avoid bending at the waist. When lowering the feet do not touch the floor, ie the leg all the time should be suspended. Start with a slow recovery, then add speed. The number of repeat - to pain in the muscles.

Staying in the same position on his knees, bends alternating legs to the side, making sure that the foot was parallel to the floor. Try to bring the angle of ninety degrees. Through this exercise, good swing side glutes. The number of repetitions of 10 to 20.

After exercise is desirable to take a warm bath with the addition of sea salt. It is also good to have a massage. These procedures will help your muscles are not "hide" and the next day you will be able to safely walk and sit.

Tags: buttocks exercise