How to build a tendon

How to build a tendon
 Train tendon is very important for the development of strength. Can be used as a standalone engaged set of exercises, and as a complement to strength training. In the form of self can significantly increase muscle strength without hypertrophy. Supplementing the basic training, gives the ability to raise more weight with the same strength of muscles.
 Feature workout tendons - the lack of muscle contractions. It uses two ways. The first - to keep burdening or body weight in one position for as long as possible (static exercises). Second - Hold the maximum tension in the muscles without using weights (isometrics).

Exercise the options are vast. And each, showing little imagination can come up with a variety of currently static and isometric exercises. It is recognized that the exercise of the tendon should be performed at different angles of flexion of limbs to tendon strengthened along the entire length.

Since training with static exercises, remember one particular. Formic acid is accumulating in the muscles as they fatigue under static exercises weakly washed blood stream. Therefore, fatigue accumulates much faster and do exercises to perform more difficult. That is why the static exercises are considered the best for training willpower.

Static exercises are very helpful, when inflated muscles you would seem to have reached their limit and increase the number of reps or weight does not work. To this end, during the execution of dynamic exercises lock body in the middle of the range of motion and hold this position as long as possible. When doing weight-wire retention at the point where the weight lifting usually ends.

In isometric exercise also has its own feature. The result strongly depends on the training of the muscles of the maximum voltage. Theoretically develop the maximum, 100% voltage is impossible, even if it seems to have reached its limit. Therefore, wanting to achieve performance isometric exercise, focus on maximum muscle tension.

Practically found that the effectiveness of isometric exercise is significantly improved if isometric tension begins immediately after a movement. For example, performing bench presses rod lying, while the projectile up Abut neck rod racks and hooks to tighten as much as possible, trying to pick up a shell above.

Static exercises are typically performed at a time. The longer you hold or burdening your body weight in one position, the greater the effect of training. When the duration of the exercise is increased to a considerable value, start to complicate it by using heavier weights or weighting lining.

Isometric exercises do a better series. Muscle tension, lasting 5-10 seconds alternated rest 10-15 seconds. So 5-6. In power qigong isometric exercises are connected with slow breathing. During inhalation occurs vacation, during exhalation - voltage. Static and dynamic power training can be carried out three times a week. Having some experience in training on this method you can go to classes every day. Fans can practice twice a day. Combining training tendons and muscle training, proceed cautiously, trying to avoid fatigue.

Tags: training, exercise, tendon