Gymnastics for intimate muscles

Gymnastics for intimate muscles
 Intimate gymnastics - a set of exercises designed to develop and strengthen the pelvic muscles. Carried out such exercises in order to prevent gynecological diseases, prevent generic gaps and improve the quality of sexual sensations.

Today, widespread a few terms that call for gymnastics intimate muscles:

- Kegel exercises, Kegel or "pins";

- Vumbildingom (development of vaginal muscles controlled);

- Imbilding (development of intimate muscles).

Kegel exercises is named after the American physician Arnold Kegel, who developed it. The second and third term have been proposed as a mechanical engineer VL Muranivskogo designed for intimate gymnastics trainer.

Most of the exercises for training intimate muscles are pretty simple, and their implementation does not take much time. Begin exercises for intimate muscles the best workout with input vaginal muscles. To do this, in the process of emptying the bladder try several times to delay urination. Muscles that while tense, and needs to be trained.

For training input vaginal muscles are best Kegel exercises (can be done standing, sitting or lying down):

1. Maximum input squeeze the muscles of the vagina and perineum. Hold them in this state for 10 seconds. Then relax your muscles. After 10 seconds, and then tighten them. Alternate tension and relaxation for 5 minutes.

2. Quickly squeeze and relax the muscles of the vagina with an interval of 1-2 seconds for 3-5 minutes.

3. Slightly tighten the muscles of the vagina entrance, wait a few seconds. Then tighten the muscles a little harder. Wait 3-5 seconds and strain the muscles as much as possible. Then repeat the exercise in reverse, gradually relaxing the muscles. Perform each exercise for at least 20 times.

During Kegel exercises, try not to strain the abdominal muscles, buttocks and thighs. For best results, it is desirable to perform these exercises several times a day.

Very efficiently developing intimate muscles exercise vumbildinga with the ball. Special simulator for training vumbildingom can be purchased through the Internet. If this is not possible, you can buy vaginal balls at any store products for adults.

Training intimate muscles is performed with the ball while standing. The ball must first grease lubricant.

Enter the ball in front of the vagina, try to feel it. To do this, tense and relax the muscles of the vagina entrance with varying intensity. When you start to feel good ball in front of the vagina, take a deep breath and try to push the ball just above the muscle. When you get it, try to push the ball back to the vestibule.

Once you learn to control the muscles of the anterior and middle part of the vagina, try to push the ball to the end of the vagina. Then try to push the ball top of the vagina, keeping it from falling out while the input vaginal muscles.

First, this exercise can not be obtained, but with time you will learn to freely move the ball up and down and even from side to side.

Tags: muscle, workout, exercise, gymnastics, pins, vumbildingom, imbilding