Exercises to reduce waist

 Waist - that part of our figures, which draws the attention of men. Since then, as a thing of the past dresses with wide skirts to the floor, we had the opportunity to boast and other advantages, however, thin waist always attracts the eyes. In addition, a slender waist - a sign of health. After all, if its volume is small, it means that its owner is strong enough trained muscles that can protect against damage internal organs. If you want to significantly improve the parameters of your figure, we propose to learn exercises to reduce waist with the magazine JustLady.

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First of all, I must say that over the waist meet the obliques, which are included in the group of abdominal muscles. This is a group of large and smaller muscles are somehow related to each other. Therefore, in order to achieve good results, it is necessary to train the whole group.

The main part of the training is necessary, of course,exercises to reduce waistBut to them we will add some effective exercises to strengthen the upper and lower press. If you are willing to devote to the health and beauty of the following 30-40 minutes, you can start.

First we have a little warm-up for at least 5 minutes so that the muscles warmed up and ready to load.

Exercise to reduce waist №1

Ip Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, stomach sucked. Right hand pull over your head and a good stretch upward, feeling the stretch side muscle. From this position, do lean to the left, still pulling strong hand. Right hip at the same time try not to take a side, lock into position and make ten springy slopes. Do the same on the other side. When you become easy to perform this exercise, you can increase the number of slopes of up to 20 in each direction.

Exercise to reduce waist №2

Original position, the same as in the previous exercise. Hands bend and lay his head, spreading his elbows just around. Lift your right knee and at the same time try to turn around and bend over so to touch his left elbow. Not back rounding elbow forward does not, try to turn as much as possible. Make 10 times in each direction, several seconds rest, repeat 10 times more.

Exercise to reduce waist №3

In this exercise, to connect the work of the muscles of the lower and upper press. IP Lie on the floor, put his hands on either side, legs extended. Bend your knees at a right angle. Now lower your knees to the floor on the left side. Legs try not to disconnect. Lean hands on the floor, not allowing the shoulders to break away from the surface. Return bent legs up and drop them on the other side. Make 10 times in each direction. After a short rest, repeat the approach.

Exercise to reduce waist №4

Ip Get on your knees, pull your right leg to the side, right hand on hip legs outstretched, palm up. Left hand pull over your head and make the slope to the right, trying to connect the palm. Make 10 times in each direction. After a few seconds of rest, repeat the approach.

Exercise to reduce waist №5

Very difficult, but effective exercise, if performed correctly. I. p. Lie on your right side, right hand pull ourselves that it formed a right angle with the body. This is your supporting hand, make sure that it would not move in the direction during the exercise. Now, at the same time raise up the left leg and left arm, trying to connect them, while we raise the body off the floor, leaning heavily on the right arm's length. In the process of implementation and make sure that the basin "never left" back, you need to lie perfectly straight.

Exercise to reduce waist №6

Actually, this is an exercise to strengthen the upper abdominal muscles, which often spoil the whole look. I. p. Lie on your back, legs slightly bend at the knees, hands behind his head. Lift the body from the floor and make 10 springy movements trying to pick it up even more. Watch the elbows - they must be separated exactly at hand, wake them forward or push hands around his neck.
After a short break, repeat the approach.

Exercise to reduce waist №7

This exercise stretching. It's no secret that if too overdo the exercise oblique muscles, they increase in volume, rather than just to catch up and ensure you have a thin waist. Remove defect subsequently be possible, but very difficult - it would require very high intensity workouts that require a high pulse rate. Lose those extra muscles harder than excess fat and harder than increase muscle mass.

So, I. p. Lie on your back, arms stretched out to the sides and bent at the elbows. Lift the left leg and bend at the knee. Now try to lower the left foot on the floor on the right side, as close as possible to the right elbow. With elbows on the floor can not detach. Hold this position for a few seconds, trying to relax and pull the obliques. Repeat on the other side.

You can do this same exercise, but with straight arms and carrying on the other side of the straight leg. In conclusion, good to make a few short exercises to stretch the lateral muscles: pull forward, up, in part, to make slopes down forward and alternately to each leg.

Of course, as you know, such training should be conducted regularly for some time, for two weeks, significant results can hardly be expected. But you can reduce this time, if the supplement daily workout proper nutrition.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: exercise, reduction