Effective Exercises for beautiful breasts

Effective Exercises for beautiful breasts
 The female breast has always been a major focus of the opposite sex, she admired, she dedicated poems and songs. Beautiful, firm breasts - the dream of every woman, so start to care for her need with a very young age. Unfortunately, the widely advertised creams and other cosmetics are of little help in this matter (they just moisturize and nourish the skin), and go under the surgeon's scalpel to correct the shape of the breast is not always appropriate. Therefore, along with the women's magazine JustLady, we turn to the tried and sufficiently effective way: exercise for the chest, which will help strengthen the pectoral muscles.

Outset: increase the size or adjust the shape of the breast usingexercises for the chest fail - it has no muscle tissue. But the "pump up" the pectoral muscles - big and small (they are behind the mammary gland) - it is quite possible. What should we give it? Elastic, strong pecs pripodnimut itself chest and visually increase its volume, and regular exercise to crack down your shoulders and straighten your posture, which is also advantageous effect on the breast.

Exercises for Breast should be done 3-4 times a week, in a well-ventilated area. An hour before the workout, it is desirable not to eat, otherwise you will be hard to deal with. Each training session must start with a warm-up: make a circular motion shoulders and intense Mahi hands - it will warm up the muscles and avoid injuries. A set of exercises for the chest can be incorporated into the overall training, especially the following exercises involve more muscles than breast muscles of the arms, back and shoulder girdle. Well, let's start?

Exercise for Breast 1. Push-ups - one of the most effective exercises not only strengthens the pectoral muscles, but also the press, back, arms and shoulders. Starting position: lying down, hands placed shoulder-width apart (wrist strictly under the shoulder joints), palms facing forward, the body forms a straight line. Note: when lifting the abdomen keep caught, do not lose your head and do not bend at the waist - back should be fixed! Perform 15-20 pushups, elbows in flexion point straight back. A few seconds rest, then we arrange hands wider than shoulder width and do 10-15 pushups (elbows to the sides). Advice from women's magazine JustLady: not to injure joints, not unbend hands completely in the upper position - let your elbows slightly bent will always be.

Exercise for Breast 2. Starting position: take a dumbbell (weight depends on your capabilities, optimally - 1-1.5 kg), lie down on the floor. Raise your hands in front of him, expand wrists inward, elbows slightly bent. At breath smoothly breed hands to the side until your elbows will not reach the floor. On the exhale, return to the starting position, repeat 15 times. Exercise pumps up the pectoral muscles, strengthens the triceps. During the execution of the lower back does not bend! A few seconds and relax me a little exercise: straight arms pull ahead, wrists turned inwards. At breath omit hands back behind his head, elbows on the exhale - back to its original position. Repeat 15 times.

Exercise for Breast 3. Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Take a dumbbell straight arm pull ahead by expanding into the wrist. Gradually begin to raise your hands to the side, trying to keep them always parallel to the floor. Do not get your hands far back and keep your back straight! Make exercise 10-15 times, then slightly adjust the starting position: Bend your elbows at right angles, shoulders (the section from the elbow to the shoulder joint) keep parallel to the floor. Dilute arms to the side as in the first exercise - 10-15 times. Exercise strengthens the chest and biceps.

Exercise for Breast 4. Take dumbbells, stand up straight, arms outstretched to the sides (the wrist down), feet shoulder width apart. Do hands small circular rotation (back straight, arms straight) first forward (20-25 times), and then back. Strengthens the shoulder girdle, back and chest muscles.

Exercise for Breast 5. Stand straight, arms straight in front of you (you can take a dumbbell). Start doing exercise "scissors": a rapid pace Plant (cross our) hands one after another in the same plane. Do 1-2 minutes.

Exercise for Breast 6. Get up, divorce direct hand in hand (parallel to the floor). In turn begins to pull to the right / left side of the palms, moving in this direction the upper torso. Legs and hips remain stationary! Exercise strengthens the pectoral muscles and the waist (obliques). Perform 20-30 times in each direction.

Exercise for Breast 7. Stand straight with your arms at your sides. Rise on tiptoe and pull alternately your hands up as high as possible (as if trying to catch something) - 15-20 times for each arm.

Exercise for Breast 8. For this exercise, you will need bars or bar. Grasp her hands (palms facing away from you, the distance between them - a little larger than the width of your shoulders). Make 8-10 pull-ups, rest and repeat.

Exercise for Breast 9. This exercise can be done anywhere: at home watching television, during the lunch break at work. Connect the palms in front of chest (elbows to the sides) and with force push one to the other. Do the following intervals: 10 seconds tense hands, rest 10 seconds, duration - 1-2 minutes. Exercise can do with the ball.

Svetlana Krutova

Tags: muscle exercise