Terms thrifty shopping

Terms thrifty shopping
 Shopping, or more simply, hiking shopping - this is one of the favorite activities of the female sex. But sometimes these trips bring only disappointment, not good. Money is spent much more than planned, and often to buy useless things. How to save on purchases?
 Shopping List - rule number one. In advance, make a list of what you need to buy - food, clothing, household chemicals, cosmetics. And estimate their cost. Take with you to the store of money just a little more than get the sum. Now you at all desire can not buy anything extra.

It has long been noticed that the crowd of customers in the store a stimulant effect. People scurrying around, shop, subconsciously make something too buy. Man thinks, "I'm not worse than poor and generally, since he bought it, I also want to." Go shopping on weekdays, and if at the weekend, then early, before the influx of the bulk buyers.

Clearance - the magic word. Very often these "zamankom" shopping malls catch unsuspecting buyers. Here you need to consider two things: on the one hand, sellers often that word mean just what they take off from the price that extra "bonuses" that they did previously. On the other hand, many reputable companies are selling at a substantial discount, reaching up to 50-70% of the stuff last year's collections. To purchase the real thing and inexpensive, it is necessary to be guided in the prices of similar goods. Then you really make a purchase at a significant discount and save your money.

Another magic word of modern marketing - discount cards. They practically imposed on the buyer in almost every major mall. This is beneficial, it is convenient - these are the main arguments of sellers offering you discount cards. But at the same time to get the card you need to get the goods on a substantial amount.

Another rule of good shopping - you need to compare prices. In fact, if you are going to buy something significant, do not be lazy, go over several shopping centers, vote ratio "product quality". And only then, after weighing all the shopping.

Prices "through the floor" should stop you, just the fact of its cheapness. Remember, no one will give for free is not a good thing. So, seeing the goods much cheaper its normal value, you have to understand - it is likely a one-time thing or bad. And it is better to refrain from purchasing it, even if you really want.

Try to keep receipts for serious (but not very) buying quite a long time. This will help you return the goods in case of marriage and get your money back.

And last - drawing monthly family budget - not a whim and not a fad. It is a lifestyle that will help you evaluate your income, mandatory spending and know exactly what amount of money you can spend without damage to his family.

Tags: purchase, shopping