Shopping: disease or habit?

Shopping: disease or habit?
 Love grocery stores some consider an incurable disease, for others - a kind of rest, relaxation and pleasure, and maybe just a habit.
 Shopping thanks to a sharp increase in the number of supermarkets and boutiques, and, respectively, and the range that can feel, examine and measure. And it creates a desire to buy all that like that is a bit cheaper than anywhere else or just beautifully packaged.

Psychologists believe shopogolizm, forced to buy unnecessary things, a dangerous disease that leads to the destruction of the human psyche. One reason for the development of epidemiological shopogolizm considered advertising. She convinces people that a particular product can make them happy. And if its advertised star, so he really high quality.

Depending on the shopping exposed not only women but also men. The only thing that distinguishes them - is shopping. Women buy clothes, cosmetics, jewelry, pottery, and men love books, stationery, CDs, fishing tackle. In addition, almost all women admit their addiction, and men believe that doing just the right purchase.

Also worth noting is that shopaholics are different. Some make unnecessary purchases spontaneously, going to the store for something, they buy something in the bargain. Others have come to the store aimlessly, leaving at the checkout all the money is in the wallet. Someone uses shopping purposefully, healing from stress and lifting your spirits purchases.

Shopping is not bad, if you know the measure. It is permissible to use it for peaceful purposes, such as discharge or set the mood. After all, many people know that a few minor purchases help to relieve stress. To harmless shopping does not become a disease and does not reflect on the material and moral condition of the family, you need to know some rules that will help you not spend too much. After all, from the "infection" they are not perfect.

When you go shopping, you should know exactly what you need. It is also necessary to plan immediately the amount you are willing to spend on shopping. Take about as much money as you can afford to leave the store. Bring a husband. Let it controls the process, if able to withstand a few hours of movement through the mall without prejudice to the nervous system. Never borrow from friends money if you something like it, but funds are not sufficient. Make the decision to buy this thing tomorrow. It is possible that in the morning, you change your mind and do not come back for her. If so, then it is not really needed.

Tags: buy, habit, addiction, illness, shopping, shopogolizm