Rules shopping: how not to ruin

Rules shopping: how not to ruin
 It often happens that the dream of buying some things and buying them, after a while you realize that this thing does not give you such satisfaction dreamed. Shopping is considered a good way to set the mood, which is immediately reduced when to calculate what it cost.

Going to the store for the company with her friends or boredom, then find themselves on the purchase of unnecessary things, or things of the same type already in your wardrobe.

Tune critically, when you listen to it fast professional sellers touting goods. Ask him questions to bring down the rate of speech, and give yourself the opportunity to reflect on the information received and not buy unnecessary things.

Do not buy a thing without trying. Goods on display may look more attractive than your figure, and its size, color or style may not reflect your style.

After fitting the thing aside and walk around the store, looking at the entire range, it is likely that will pick up the same, but more cost effective in other departments. If it is expensive, then make a list of a few shops.

Before going to the store, decide with a list of things that you have planned to buy, then the probability to buy unnecessary things will fall, and you do not spend the extra money. Bring as much money as you plan to spend.

Forget bank card at home because the pay real money is much harder than virtual.

On sales of more profitable to buy basic things without which you can not do - T-shirts, pants, skirts that go out of style and will be relevant. When buying things at a discount, think, would buy it, do not be such a big discount.

Do not use the quick loans, you can not always read all the terms of the contract, and will not be able to weigh how the thing you need.

Man is by nature irrational. There are differences in what he wants to achieve and how itself really is. People spend a lot of little and save. But do not not worth saving, so just a rational approach to their desires and capabilities.

Tags: buy, goods, shopping