On sale, you can find really good things interesting prices, but the selection is small. If you're lucky, you buy a classic thing that is a few years out of fashion. Sometimes the thing can be represented in a single copy, or have a small defect.
Be careful - too low prices indicate low quality goods. If the seller reduces the price, it means that he has lost hope to sell at a premium and above cost.
Common technique to attract buyers - the acquisition of the second things as a gift or award a prize coupon or a lottery ticket. Raffle prizes - a very handy tool, because the prizes guaranteed in this case.
Window-dressing enticing slogans, promising customers incredible discounts, are intended not so much to sell the old product (hidden away on a hanger), but to draw attention to the new collection, which is exhibited in sight, and no doubt will be noticed.
Artificially inflated prices, followed by a decrease and its ad sales - a typical example of how to cheat buyers sellers. Before the announcement of the shares, the price of things artificially inflated by a certain amount, and at the time of the sale money "take off", which makes it possible to sell the goods at the regular price with the wrap.
Before you buy things on sale, you should promonitorit prices in different stores, explore the range and quality of the goods. You should not run to the store, which attracts high-profile stocks, big discounts and actively advertise their goods - realistically assess the situation, comparing the quality and cost. Purchase an item on seasonal sales, consider the fact that you are wearing it will be next year, will be relevant when other models and colors. So buy clothes classical forms, which you can wear regardless of fashion trends.