How to choose your flavor

How to choose your flavor
 According to French aesthetes, the woman must reach a light pleasant scent, even at a distance of half a meter. Perfume, chosen by all the rules, can work wonders. A sense of calm and courage, tenderness, or longing - this is not the whole palette of feelings that it can cause. While, on the contrary, poorly matched perfume can not only cause irritation, but also cause headaches.  
 Choose its own unique flavor is not easy - in fact the smell of perfume can vary even when applied to different types of skin. Therefore, there are some secrets that will help you find a correct flavor.

Choosing a perfume, do not blindly follow the advertising and fashion, just trust your instincts. Therefore, if you are not "in love" in flavor from the very beginning, you should not buy a perfume, as is likely, he will not do. Are serious about the choice of spirits, because they truly complement your image.

Previously, there was a view that you need to choose the flavor for a long time that it was associated in others it your way. However, this is irrelevant. Similarly, How do you, your lifestyle, your mood and your tastes change. So do not always stick to just one - the only smell. You can choose perfume for yourself, depending on the situation and the place where you are going - be it work, school, date, or a hike in the fashionable party with friends.

Do not rush immediately to buy perfume. Perhaps, after coming home you will find that you absolutely do not smell like it. After all, the real flavor can occur after 15-20 minutes after you are dealt perfume on the skin. Therefore, it would be best if you first when buying spirits take a probe, and later, when you are sure that the perfume is right for you to gain the whole bottle.

Perfume should emphasize your individuality, so when you select it take into account all - your habits, lifestyle, temperament, preferences in clothing and many other factors. For example, early in the morning can be used in its image fresh and light scent, and in the evening, going on a date, you can use more warm and delicate aroma.

Never buy exactly the same perfume as your girlfriend. Firstly, it zacherknet your personality, well, and secondly - you may be disappointed, as the perfume can change their aromatic qualities, depending on the type of skin to which it is applied. That is why it is very important to choose the perfume, but according to their own tastes.

On the perfume also affect products that you have recently eaten. For example, spicy food or dish with onions and garlic can slightly change the usual perfume, as part of the smell of these products excreted through the pores of the skin.

During menstruation, pregnancy or taking birth control pills chemical composition of sweat varies, so the smell of perfume on the body can also change slightly.

It is believed that hair color affects the skin condition. For example, brunettes are usually the owners of oily skin and blonde and red - dry and thin. Therefore, most of the skin blonde beauties even light scent often begins to sound defiant. While on the skin, greasy-prone, fragrance evaporates very quickly.

However, no spirits, which would be designed specifically for a certain type of people - blondes, brunettes or redheads. Remember that the choice of flavor, primarily depends on the taste, personal preferences and mood.

Tags: spirit, the choice of fragrance