How to choose false eyelashes

How to choose false eyelashes
 Long, thick and expressive eyelashes can make your look special. But not every woman can boast of such eyelashes. Many people can only dream about them. But do not despair - you can try to stick false eyelashes, which when used properly, do not differ from the natural. And as they choose the right?
 Modern manufacturers offer a huge selection of false eyelashes of any length, shape, color. In all this variety is very easy to get confused.

In the first place the choice of eyelashes is important to note the material from which they are made. Of course, it is preferable to select materials from natural eyelashes - hair or silk. But before buying these, make sure that you do not have contraindications to their use. If you have allergies, you have to withdraw from the purchase. In this case, you will help eyelashes made of synthetic material, which are anti-allergy. They significantly reduce the likelihood of eye irritation. Moreover, artificial eyelash sufficiently inexpensive compared with natural.

In that case, if you've never used false eyelashes, it is better to buy a set of several lashes of different length and density. This will allow to choose the right pair suitable for you.

It is worth considering the fact that the length of eyelashes should not be very different from the length of your natural cilia. Otherwise, you risk becoming like a doll. To lashes look natural, it is possible to divide the strip into several beams, consisting of 3-5 cilia, and then paste.

Also keep in mind when choosing a color and lashes. Black eyelashes better suited to brunettes. If your hair is bright, choose a dark brown pair. Note that the bright, colorful, eyelashes with rhinestones suitable only for evening makeup.

With the help of false eyelashes can be greatly changed and the size of the eye. So, if you're sticking them to the outer corner of the eye, then visually expand the face.

Special attention when buying pay on the glue. Experts advise to buy and glue and lashes the same manufacturer.

Tags: eyelash, invoice