In 38-year-old Cameron Diaz also do not get married. There was a lot of diva fans among celebrities, but none of them have not made an offer Cameron. In 2009, the actor was engaged to male model Paul Skalforom, but these relationships before marriage and have not grown.
Renee Zellweger, which is already 41 years old, not quite deservedly considered the "eternal bride." She was already married to singer Kenny Chesney. Their relationship lasted only a few months, after which the famous actress in the court annulled the marriage.
Singer Kylie Minogue has long dreamed of marriage. Star of highly experienced because of his failed personal life, but the relationship with the male model Andre Valenkozo celebrities give hope to start a family. Himself beloved Kylie harshly denies all rumors about the imminent wedding.
33-year-old TV presenter Anfisa Chekhov says that she is not ready for the wedding hassle and sharing life with one and the same person. The star lot of fans, but after a scandalous rupture with Vladimir Tishko Anfisa tries to keep his personal life private.
Wedding 40-year-old supermodel Naomi Campbell with millionaire businessman has been postponed. Star neodnoratno told the press about his desire to start a family, but her boyfriend is in no hurry to take a wife Naomi.
Charlize Theron very negative attitude to questions about her personal life. Actress nine years lived with actor Stuart Townsend, but the relationship has not escalated into marriage. Not so long ago, celebrities have decided to leave.
Geri Halliwell, former Spice Girls singer group never cheerleader serious novels and always sever relations if they threatened to escalate into something more. The star has a daughter, but as a friend told Jerry, a celebrity is not ready for marriage.
Kristin Davis does not want to end the relationship by marriage. According to her official creation of pairs is an outdated model of the last century, which does not correspond to the modern world. There were a lot of rumors about the novels of stars, but Christine does not confirm or deny them.
Drew Barrymore can not be called "eternal bride", she has been married twice. Both marriages were unsuccessful and not last more than a few months. Star worry about their future and blames his failed personal life father because the mother one brought up Drew.