The best representatives of the British drama school in Hollywood

The best representatives of the British drama school in Hollywood
 It's no secret that becoming a successful actor in Hollywood is possible without adequate education. This is shown by many now highly successful celebrities, such as Johnny Depp. However, the British talent who go to America for an international reputation and a lot of money, as a rule, are behind the theatrical experience and very impressive. These include Gary Oldman, Kenneth Branagh and others.
 As a teenager, Gary Oldman seriously interested in music and even wanted to become a pianist, but left this dream for the sake of acting. Inspiration to change their future profession has become a game of Malcolm McDowell, who was struck by a young Oldman. So, by the end of high school, he had firmly decided to study theater. In 1978, a graduate of Rose Bruford College Gary Oldman joined the Youth Theatre Greenwich.

Over 9 years of experience on stage Briton gained a certain fame in theatrical circles, and won several awards, including "Best Actor" from the Journal of the British Association of theatrical drama. A young man with a noticeable nervous, poignant game attracted the attention of director Colin Gregg, through which discovered the world of cinema.

In 1986, Gary Oldman played his first major screen role in "Sid and Nancy". His character, the bassist of the popular group «Sex pistols», was played perfectly. Oldman as laid out in this paper that after filming had to be hospitalized, but it started its way to Hollywood.

At the end of the 80s in American cinema came many members of the British drama schools. Some of them even became known as "the British gang." Among them, along with Oldman was also his friend Tim Roth. In 1990 came out in theaters painting "Rosenkrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead," directed by Tom Stoppard play on their own. And if the game critics called a phenomenal Oldman, Tim Roth is still some time remained in the shadows.

Despite the indifference of critics, Rota noticed aspiring director Quentin Tarantino. In partnership of these two geniuses have seen the light works, is a gem filmography of both. This cult drama "Reservoir Dogs" (1992), a favorite of the Cannes Film Festival and winner of the "Oscar" picture "Pulp Fiction" (1994), a black comedy "Four Rooms" (1995). In 1996, Tim Roth was nominated for "Oscar" for his role as the villain in the film "Rob Roy." Oldman also received a nomination only in 2012 for his work in the British film "The Spy, get out."

Bright representative of British drama school in Hollywood - a mysterious Tilda Swinton. Aristocrat of rich ancient family, she received an excellent education. The theater became her, first of all, an opportunity for bold experiments in reincarnation. She could not only play different characters, but characters. For example, one of her most famous theater roles is Mozart. Subsequently, the male talent of the game and it was useful to the cinema in the film "Orlando".

In Hollywood Tilda Swinton in no hurry to move. Her first American project took place in the early 2000s, when the actress was already over forty. Thriller "The Beach" with a young stellar partner DiCaprio Swinton brought worldwide fame and new proposals from the ocean. In 2008, Tilda Swinton won an "Oscar" for supporting actress in the crime drama "Michael Clayton."

In the early 80s Tilda Swinton was a troupe of British actors, "the Royal Society of Shakespeare," which consisted of Gary Oldman and Kenneth Branagh. Last - one of the brightest representatives of the classical English school in Hollywood, famous for the many productions of plays by Shakespeare. His acting career in Hollywood, he successfully combines with the work in the theater, as well as directing domestic and American films. Among them is the adaptation of the Shakespearean actor so beloved works - "Henry V» (1989), "Much Ado About Nothing" (1993) and "Hamlet" (1996).

Tags: talent, hollywood, representative