Person: Marc Chagall

Person: Marc Chagall
 Moishe Shagal Khatskelevich, known to us as Marc Chagall - one of the greatest artists of the twentieth century, graphic artist, painter, stage designer, master of applied arts.  

Chagall was born June 24, 1887 in Vitebsk Belarusian Republic, within the boundaries of the Russian Empire, which was separated by Catherine II to live Jews.

Initial basics of education Marc got to school at the synagogue, but was later transferred to a secular school, where he mastered his first skills in fine arts. Intrigued painting, Chagall began taking private lessons from professional realist artist. In his hometown of Vitebsk artist met his only muse and future wife - Bella Rosenfeld.

From 1906 to 1909. Mark lived in St. Petersburg, where he attended the studio SM Seidenberg and art school EN Zvantseva. From 1910 to 1914. the artist lived in Paris, where a half later opened his own studio. Here in La Rouche, Chagall met with B. Sentrarom, M. Jacob and G. Appolinaire - known avant-garde poets, with hundreds of expressionist, cubist J. Mettszingerom and colorist Deloneem. Of course, such contacts could not pass in vain, they contributed to the development of the talent of the young painter. And in that time, Mark began to surprise everyone with his unique artistic technique.

The first solo exhibition was held at the Chagall gallery Der Sturm in Berlin in 1914. Then his paintings smote all the German public. Despite such a huge success, the artist did return to their homeland.

In 1922, on his return to Berlin, the painter discovered the absence of many of his works, which have not been found subsequently. In 1923, Mark moved with his family to live in Paris. It was here that he met with A. Vollard, who has made a definite contribution to the development of creativity Chagall. Together they began work on the illustration of "Dead Souls" NV Gogol, and after 3 years - on the publication of "Fables" Jean de La Fontaine. Later, they started to create together an illustrated Bible. However, work was halted due to the death of Volare.

In 1933, the famous Chagall in Europe has been fixed thanks to its grand exhibition in Switzerland. With the advent of war, the artist was forced to emigrate with his family to the United States, where his wife died. But this would not stop the development of the talent of the master. By the time the war ended in 1945, there were 105 sketches Chagall. In 1948 he returned to France, where at age 65 he married Vava Brodsky, who gave him a second youth.
 Chagall painted a lot, including created landscapes - not only Paris, but also the native Vitebsk. He worked in New York a unique facade of the United Nations, the draft of the Paris Opera. And this is not the whole list of works by Marc Chagall. Even in the Louvre was opened solo exhibition of his works. Painter died March 28, 1985, in France, on the Riviera. Undoubtedly, the creation of such a great artist an invaluable contribution to the development of world art.

Tags: century mark, the person, Z.