Halle Berry: sexy and very dangerous

Halle Berry: sexy and very dangerous
 Halle Berry - very bright actress, who for many years recognized as one of the sexiest celebrities. After participating in several films, which include "Catwoman" and "X-Men" among fans Berry gained a reputation is also very strong, independent and even dangerous lady.
 Halle Berry has achieved a lot thanks to the talent and appeal. Already in the 17 years she first took part in a beauty contest and soon became "Miss American teenager" and "Miss Ohio". Moreover, shortly Berry has also made the title of "First Vice-Miss USA 1986". She dropped out of school for a career model and easily found a job. After several years the model, Berry was popular enough to attract the attention of filmmakers. In 1989, she began to participate in the filming, debuting first in the series "Living Dolls" and then in "Jungle Fever."

Berry won in a variety of beauty contests in 1998 and was even able to enter the list of 50 most beautiful people in the world according to the magazine People. The popularity of the model grew, and was invited to a major role in his films known directors. Her career consists of ups and downs. For example, in 2001, Halle Berry starred in "Monster's Ball" and has received several awards, becoming, by the way, the first black actress to win a Oscar for Best Actress.

"Gothic", published in 2003, was a disaster movie, but in the same year, Berry became the sexiest woman in the world by the magazine FHM. Released for the 2004 film "Catwoman" Beria was recognized as a great fans, daring, dangerous and sexy woman and at the same time won the "Golden Raspberry" as worst actress of the year. In addition, in 2004 it became the sixth of the sexiest actresses in the world of all time, according to the magazine Empire magazine. In 2010, she was hit 14 times in People magazine published a list of the most beautiful stars.

The role played by Halle Berry, partly formed an opinion about the nature of the fans of the actress, but in fact this woman rather soft and vulnerable than dangerous and daring. However, her sexuality is undeniable, though the actress over the years, becoming more and more attractive. In her view, sexuality is not the calling behavior or habit to wear a minimal amount of clothing, and in particular charm, inner beauty, the ability to love and appreciate yourself.

Tags: actress, hollywood, Holly Berry