Enterprising parents of talented children of Hollywood

Enterprising parents of talented children of Hollywood
 Hollywood - a huge factory of dreams, which smoothly releases new entertainment projects. And it is focusing a lot of money, which attracts many. Here daily new stars are born and stars, which in show business leads own parents. Being skilled agents and producers of children, they sometimes forget that taking away from the offspring of the right to a happy childhood.
 The first in the history of Hollywood cinema has become a successful star Shirley Temple. Record its popularity still could not beat either one young actor. This girl outshone their adult counterparts not only the undisputed talent, but sometimes fees. Even before she turned 10 years old, they have reached a million, which at that time was unheard of sum for her role in the movie.

By Shirley Temple film career prepared from childhood. As soon as she was born, her parents immediately decided that their daughter is bound to become a star. Unlike other moms and dads who just dream about it, George and Gertrude Temple went much further. In three years, little Shirley dancing at the famous school of Mrs. Meldzhvin, which is often visited by Hollywood agents and producers. The calculation was correct, the baby soon Temple noticed Jack Hayes, who was looking for young talents for a new musical series «Baby burlesk».

Curiously, the financial success daughter Temple fell on the Great Depression, but her career has gathered momentum. Moreover, it is this talented young actress has saved the studio "Fox" from ruin. Mother was always there for her, she was the daughter of an agent for the image-maker, the chief advisor and critic. It was she who came up with the famous curls Shirley, who curled his own every day. And only she could make the daughter smile and dance when she is too tired and capricious. To prolong the career daughter, Gertrude even reduce year of her birth, as she Shirley learned only a teenager.

Shirley Temple just left the show business. When she grew up, the studio refused her services, but the girl and was glad to finally rest and escape from the oppression of her that hard. Inconsolable Gertrude made a last attempt to cash in on the glory of his daughter, published a book, "How I raised Shirley Temple." At the age of Shirley in the movie was over, but she made a good career in politics: was ambassador to Ghana, then in Czechoslovakia, ran for the Senate.

The second most popular starry child after Shirley Temple McCauley Culkin considered. His most famous role is a hilarious comedy "Home Alone" and its sequel. Lively boy makes the audience rolling on the floor laughing, and his fees are extremely pleased father. Christopher Culkin in his youth he was trying to be an actor, but it did not work out. He was more successful in the number of children, rather than roles. In the period from 1976 to 1989, he was born seven siblings who one way or another, worked in the movies.

McCauley Culkin was the most successful child, Christopher, and he did not fail to take advantage of it. Father from the very beginning of his career a little Mac was his manager. In fairness it should be noted that Christopher had to work hard to get his son to become a serious invitation, but it was worth it. At 9 years old, after 5 years of work in film, McCall became famous. Realizing that one of the sons attached, enterprising Christopher began to push the rest of the movie in their children. For example, mandatory contract clause Mac on a particular project was to participate in it one of his brothers or sisters, but his fame he was far away.

While McCauley, forgetting about the school and the usual children's entertainment, earning millions, father bathed in its glory. It on secular reception, the guests in a luxury hotel, at the inauguration of the president. The only one who was indifferent to the fate son, was the mother of Makkoleya. This situation led her eventually to a psychiatric clinic, but do nothing she could not.

Growing up, children-stars often fail to pursue a career. They cease to be useful and interesting to the viewer.
Everyone copes with this problem on their own, and often "salvation" for them are drugs. But sometimes parents of young stars still gets mad translate their career in a new direction, and then yesterday talented children are not less successful adult actors. Notable examples of such cases are Scarlett Johansson, Justin Timberlake, Elijah Wood, Milla Jovovich and others.

Tags: child star, parent, actor, hollywood, star