Victoria Beckham: style icon among contemporary stars

Victoria Beckham: style icon among contemporary stars
 Victoria Beckham drew attention to himself long before she became the wife of a famous football player. And it is made not only through the songs, but also its appearance. Today, her style is known so that the collection Beckham diverges around the world, and the girl herself manages to successfully combine to create a new clothing and accessories with motherhood.
 Victoria flawless appearance and at first glance it is difficult to imagine that she had four children. Photos Beckham shows her perfect figure, and at some point a little too thin. She also knows how to emphasize its advantages, looks stylish even in unisex clothing. This is largely caused by the fact that his image Vicki creates itself, without resorting to the services of designers, and is guided primarily by its naturalness. Starting with the jeans, today moved to Victoria bags and points that are particularly its weakness. Therefore, it not only puts itself but also other clothes.

Natural sense of taste helps to successfully combine clothes among themselves, but it was not always. His early career Victoria Beckham dress more than openly, though this and demanded her stage persona "peppercorn". After the collapse of the group, in which she performed, she continued to pursue a solo career that has become no less successful, but then chose her family life.

Today, her outfits are more closely aligned mature, successful and confident lady, which it is. Victoria prefers to dress as they emphasize femininity to the greatest extent. However, she always looks impressive and is not trivial.

But in her wardrobe and there are more democratic outfits, especially in cases where she goes for a walk with children. Jeans, T-shirts, shorts, even these things, with difficulty combined with the image of the star, sit on it perfectly.

The principle of combining clothes among themselves repeatedly told of the Victoria, and is it in moderation. If the focus is on the legs, the upper body should be closed and vice versa. Victoria tries to stick to it, not only in terms of clothes, but also in terms of diet. Saving the form it owes only the fact that almost completely abandoned hazardous products. Its thinness envy even colleagues.

There are also other reasons to envy: handsome husband and four lovely children. It's hard to find something that still needs to women's happiness.

Tags: star, style, image, icon, Beckham collection