Stylish decoration of wooden beads

Stylish decoration of wooden beads
 Especially true in the summer becomes an ethnic or folk style. Our ancestors knew what to wear to transfer heat. As a jewelry and accessories in addition to this particularly suitable wooden beads with large parts.

Wooden beads can be purchased at any store needlework. No strict criteria, choose any: patterned or plain, round or oblong, small or large. In general, the ideal purchase several types of beads.

In addition, prepare a scaffold, a couple of crochet hooks and fasteners. If desired, instead of the line can take a rubber thread, then the fastener is required. Fishing lines suitable for both fishing and handmade. It is important that it be clear or light - dark will attract too much attention.

When working with a fishing line without cutting off a piece, type all beads at random. Pre can mix them and during take indiscriminately. Between the beads should be small gaps, not strung them closely.

Hooks or needles are made of twine chain of stitches from one of the three series. It all depends on the length of the beads and the future of your plan. In each loop must be placed one bead. Then cut the wire, fasten the clasp on the ends of the product.

Use a rubber thread can be made thick bracelet in peyote technique (mosaic). Standard scheme of weaving fabric mosaic applied in the illustration, but alternatively you can skip one bead. Hiding gum already typed bead rather than gaining new, you will create a delicate bracelet of large parts. Woven wrist length, connect the extreme ranks, passing thread turns in the first, the last row. Then interconnecting several rows to secure the thread and try on jewelry.

Tags: beads, fishing line, bracelet, jewelery, thread, weaving, beads, peyote