Shoes Raparo: convenience, style, simplicity

Shoes Raparo: convenience, style, simplicity
 The history of fashion brand can tell a lot not only about buying shoes, but also its creators. The success story everyone has their own, sometimes unusual. That's how it was with Raparo - shoe factory, created a simple Italian family. Today Raparo - is known to the whole of the brand. And its distinctive qualities are comfort, simplicity and style.  

Factory Raparo appeared twenty years ago in the city Montegrano - shoe fashion center of Italy. From the very beginning it was a family company which manufactures shoes by hand, using ancient techniques shoemaking skills. With all due respect to the ancient traditions of a family of shoemakers was not afraid to use new technologies in the treatment of skin. Natural talent of the founder of the family business Francesco Raparo helped him bring a small factory on the market and to gain recognition in the fashion world.

The main activity of the factory Raparo - men's shoes. This stylish and comfortable shoes for business, successful men. Fashion brand products are not only high quality but also the use of leather for making shoes rare animals: crocodile, python, lizard. Product design is usually simple, but it's deceptive simplicity. The skin of exotic animals, painted by hand, making each pair unique in its kind. Even a pair of shoes one model has its own unique pattern.

Produces Raparo and women's shoes, which is characterized by the presence of unusual design and original features. As well as for men's shoes, women's used in the manufacture of leather of exotic animals, developed a model with inserts and interesting details of satin, cashmere, velvet. This adds each pair of sophistication and makes the shoes more comfortable to wear. Manufactured in a factory shoes with hidden platform inside. These shoes make women's legs slimmer and more seductive figure. Designers factories sure that women's shoes, made of leather of exotic animals, must always be on high heels. All footwear factory made entirely by hand.

Tags: model, style, shoes, peace, shoes, brand, fashion, simplicity, convenience, raparo