The simple secret of finding your ideal weight

 Major step towards harmony and ideal weight just five. And none of them is pooping yourself diets and "dying" in the gym. Learn how to properly maintain your calorie "accountant", and you will be surprised how easy it will be to go the extra pounds or gain missing. And any "kickbacks", stretch marks, health problems and bad mood will not have to fear.

Step 1: We are friends with calories.

The more calories in the product, the more energy it gives our organism for maintenance of life. Therefore, in order to be healthy and to have the "right" weight, you can not blindly reduce calorie intake.

Receive less "own", the body begins to take energy from muscle, but after some time get used to work at low speeds. So your diet ends, you will once again return to the buns and mayonnaise salads, increase calories, and then what happens?

That's right: the lost weight back, and with a margin. This is the infamous "rollback". Express diet - even the worst enemies of female attractiveness: the skin droops, a person acquires an earthy hue, bruises under his eyes - in other words, instead of blooming beauty slim - exhausted sufferer.

Step 2: basic literacy diet

Another thing - the long-term diet. Rather, it's not even a diet in the usual sense, but a new, informed, competent approach to nutrition. Power is balanced, if a person consumes a day for at least 50% carbohydrate, no more than 30% fat and 20% protein.

Proteins it is pure "building material" for our body. Because proteins, for example, nearly 98% are made up hair and nails. They are the conditions for the occurrence of the set of biochemical reactions in our body, while the lack of these elements leads to the fact that the growth, development and regeneration of cells, the body's metabolism and other vital processes begin seriously "fail."

Meat - the main source of protein. For example, the chicken - it is low in fat, almost no carbohydrates, but a lot of pure protein, vitamins and minerals. Beef is also rich in protein, however, if the cow was already an adult, the meat can be quite bold.

The best option - veal. But pork and lamb out of favor with nutritionists, because it brings more fat and calories than protein. Contains a lot of protein and fish. And even the fattest her grades are not burdensome for the stomach.

Thus, white meat and fish can be included in the diet every day, red meat - not more than 2 times per week. Beans, beans, peas, soybeans - as much as possible meet the needs of the human body in a protein - this is an option for vegetarians. But there legumes daily is not recommended.

But! Protein protein - discord. It must be able to cook. Roast meat - is, of course, incredibly delicious, but when frying fat oxidation occurs with the formation of harmful, high-energy compounds. This "diet" will inevitably lead to weight gain.

If you want to cook meat dish "Yum" and it does not harm your body, choose baking. Or brew. However, keep in mind if you want to save more protein in the meat, then immerse it in already boiling water. If you need a protein rich broth - place the meat in cold water and only then heated.

Fats perform many important functions. Firstly, it is a source of vitality and energy. Second, the fatty acids form the membrane of every cell in the body. Third, fats form a lipid barrier of the skin, preventing its dehydration and prezhdevrennnomu aging.

Fats are:

▪ refractory (such as lard, beef tallow) - contain cholesterol, are not recommended by nutritionists.
▪ fusible (vegetable fats and oils) - the main sources of essential fatty acids.

Have you ever thought about why olive oil is considered the most elegant? The fact that sunflower oil - Champion linoleic acid content that is easily oxidized and forms free radicals. And, as we know, their neutralization body has to spend a lot of antioxidants and vitamins. Olive oil also contains about five times less linoleic acid than sunflower, therefore remains a "best friend" of most diets.

Carbohydrates - A source of energy "immediate use." First of all they ossatsiiruyutsya with sugar, baking, calories - in short everything that is unacceptable to maintain good form. But also there are different carbohydrates: simple (glucose, sucrose, fructose) and complex (starch, cellulose).

Simple carbohydrates ("fast") should be used as sparingly as possible. With an excess of glucose (or sugar) metabolism is broken, and we gain weight. But difficult to do without sweets, besides the shortage of sugar the brain can not function properly, and the muscles are not able to physical stress. So prefer less-calorie sweets such as candy, marshmallow, jam, fruit candy.

Complex carbohydrates ("slow") are preferred, since longer cleaved in the organism. Preferably, however, the pasta, rice and potatoes have a day and not at night. A complex carbohydrate such as cellulose, which is rich in hard leafy vegetables, and all very helpful. The trick is that it is not digested in the human intestine and passes without chemical changes, excellent mooring wall adsorbing toxins and waste products.

Step 3. "debit" and "credit" calories

Determine which energy "contribution" you've got, for example, today at lunch tables and help "calculators" calorie foods that are easy to find at any "pohudatelnye" website. However, constantly counting the number of calories eaten, can turn into a neurotic. Logical one to deduce the average daily rate and keep it, so to speak, on the note.

To do this, you need to count calories, for example, two weekdays and two weekend days, then calculate the arithmetic mean. The figure, of course, will not be completely accurate, but we do not eat the same every day.
The main thing - pay more attention to energy consumption and count the number of calories burned.

 How many calories do you need?

To calculate your individual caloric needs, it is necessary to take into account your age, weight, occupation, degree vizicheskoy activity and, of course, sex. Complex calculations easy for you to hold special programs, calculators, abundantly available on the Internet. Approximate same day calorie intake (no weight change) of working women without much physical activity is:

▪ to 2100kalory if you between 25 and 40 years
2000 calories ▪ - from 40 to 65
▪ 1,800 calories - 65 years.

For men, these figures increase on average by 20%. Those calories that are eaten in excess of the need to burn - this is the simple secret of ideal weight.

 How to burn calories?

It is clear that if the load is not long enough, you simply will not lose weight. But if it turns out the excess, you'll quickly get tired, feel fatigue and irritation. To help in the calculations again come virtual counters, where you can enter your weight, the type of physical activity and its duration. Many trainers are also equipped with "on-board computers," shows the number of burned calories during exercise.

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