Rice diet Queen Margaret's

Rice diet Queen Margaret's
 Queen Margaret - known "star" nutritionist, head nutritional clinic in Moscow. The power supply system of the Queen Margarita made popular by singer Valeria, which is easily lost weight by six pounds. Her example was followed by other pop stars of the Russian platform. Diet itself is so simple and does not require any exotic foods and expenses that follow it everyone can.
 Queen Margaret has developed a unique program of a separate food, built on the principle of effective mono-diet based on rice, meat and vegetables. The duration of the diet of the Queen of 9 days. In this case, you will not have to chase the painful feeling of hunger, characteristic of many diets. All the matter in a balanced ratio of carbohydrates and proteins with products from the fiber. Thus, your body will not experience a lack of nutrients.

Power system from Margarita Queen can not be called a rice diet, although the diet slimming figure is also included. Nine days are divided into three stages, each of which is three days. Virtually every phase of the program for weight loss is a separate mono-diet: rice, meat and vegetables.

First stage: within three days can be eaten boiled rice without salt. In the evening pour a glass of clean water rice, rice in the morning pour the boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes. For breakfast, eat one cup of porridge, rice remaining divide into 3-4 meals for the reception during the day. Dinner should be no later than 19 hours.

Second stage: chicken mono-diet for three days. Boil a kilo of lean chicken without the skin, eat equal portions throughout the day. Dinner - just not later than 19 hours.

Third stage: three days a vegetable diet. You can use any vegetables - boiled, steamed, and, of course, fresh. Concluded a three-day cycle of vegetable salads, recommended four to five times a day.

One of the conditions of diet - a minimum daily fluid intake - 2-2, 5 liters. It is better if it is still water or green tea. This facilitates rapid burning of body fat, and simultaneously prevents a sharp rise in blood sugar after a meal. Only need to drink before meals, but not during or after meals.

Nine days of alternating mono-diet recommended by Queen Margaret, will get rid of 6.4 extra pounds. But the result must be secured. By the usual diet gradually go once a week arranging a "handling" kefir days.

Tags: rice, diet, food, margaritas, slimming, monodiet