How to reduce the volume of the body

How to reduce the volume of the body
 Beautiful figure - today it is a mandatory attribute of a successful person. Therefore, women and men are constantly looking for new ways to reduce the volume of the body. This can be done in various ways. The main thing is not to harm their health in pursuit of the ideal.
 First of all, check your hormones. Quite often, the problem of excess weight are associated with malfunction of the thyroid gland. Turning to the endocrinologist and passing the necessary tests, we can find the cause of weight gain and fix it with the help of a competent hormone therapy.

Examine your lifestyle. It is possible that he is not very mobile and when combined with poor diet is a factor that leads to an increase in volumes. Keep a food diary, write in it all that is eaten per day. It is possible that you will find a certain amount of extra food. If you can not give up snacking, replace chips and sandwiches on healthy fruits and vegetables.

Physical activity is very important to give a figure of beautiful forms. However, if you want it to reduce the volume, then beware of the power load. With their help, not only reduces body fat, but also increases the amount of muscle. And it's not always what you want. To reduce the amount of fat in the body use aerobic exercise, such as running, cycling, swimming pool, some types of aerobics.

Do not neglect the salon slimming methods. This massage, body wraps, which not only contribute to the breakdown of body fat and the conclusion of the decay products of the body, but also tighten the skin, leaving it supple and elastic.

Today, especially popular are hardware-based correction. Using them helps to get rid of cellulite, improving skin tone. Such procedures include ultrasound and myostimulation, lymphatic drainage and elektrolipoliz, vacuum massage and micro. It should be understood that the use of only one technique does not cause any visible results, since it is aimed at removing a single problem. While decreasing the volume of the body involves the solution of a complex problem. Best results are achieved with a combination of several methods of hardware with manual massage, body wraps and mesotherapy.

Remember that drastic weight loss could harm your health. The optimal weight reduction at 3 kg per month. In this case, the body does not get stress, and the skin will be restored to the desired volume.

Tags: figure kilogram body