How to lose weight fast? How to lose weight in 3 days

 How often we are faced with such situations, when the need to lose weight and lose weight fast for 3 days, brings us to a standstill. And no matter what was the reason for the decision to lose weight - not converging on the hips skirt, or the upcoming meeting. The fact remains - you must lose weight!

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You can, of course, to talk about what a good man should be a lot of that thing in a woman - it was her soul, not the body that you have beautiful eyes, and so on. But it is for the weak women who are unable to three days to throw unnecessary and such hateful pounds. Moreover, this reasoning does not help, extra inches do not evaporate, and your beautiful inner world would be difficult to discern for plump shell.

In general, it was decided, you lose weight! However, it should warn you that, firstly, short-term diet cause a very serious blow to the body, and, secondly, weight, thrown with such efforts, as a rule, very quickly returns. Therefore abused in ways of getting rid of excess weight is still not worth it.

Thus, the most popular diets that allowquickly lose weight in 3 days.

Diet First, the effectiveness

On the first day in the morning to drink about half a liter of carbonated water. We need water in order to remove all the accumulated toxins, and then we can move on to preparing breakfast. So, to heat one cup of milk and add the teaspoon of honey and cocoa. Milk will enrich our body of calcium and protein, magnesium, cocoa and honey just replace sugar. Try to drink before noon even half a liter of carbonated water.

For lunch, cook or bake 200 g lean fish, you can spice up a little lemon and olive oil. As a side dish we prepare 300 g vegetable stew. If you do not like fish, you can replace it with 200 grams of chicken or beef, or 150 grams of lean pork. One of the main conditions of this menu is the lack of salt!

At lunch can pamper your body unsweetened low-fat yogurt, with the addition of a spoon of honey. About an hour 4 days prepare a drink of lemon juice, a spoon of honey and a glass of water - it will reduce your appetite and give you the energy.

For dinner, prepare the broth - 1, 5 liters of water add 1 kg of leeks, a pound of tomatoes and carrots and caraway seeds.

Before going to sleep again can indulge in a yogurt with honey.

The second day

To noon try to drink 1, 5 liters of water, juice, squeezed from 2 grapefruit, half a liter of vegetable broth, milk, cocoa and honey (prepared on the first day).

For lunch, eat yogurt, two hours later drink lemon drink.

For dinner, you can enjoy 200 grams of lean fish with vegetables from the broth.

Before you go to bed, you can eat unsweetened yogurt with honey.

The third day

Lying in bed drink a pint of water.

Eat a grapefruit for breakfast and drink milk drink.

By noon, we must have time to drink a liter of carbonated water.

For lunch, eat 250 grams of low fat cottage cheese mixed with unsweetened yogurt and honey (1 teaspoon).

At three o'clock in the afternoon can treat yourself to one of dried fruits.

From five to seven in the evening drink lemon drink.
Dinner is the same as the first day. Before going to bed already standard yogurt with honey.

How to lose weight fast? How to lose weight in 3 days

There are other quite effective diet offeringquickly lose weight in 3 daysBut they are more uniform.

For example,Bulgarian diet. In this case, you have to have all three days the same dish: fresh carrot Grate, add lemon juice, honey and any fruit. There can be any amount for breakfast, respectively, lunch and dinner. On the fourth day gradually introduced into the diet of bread, apples, fried potatoes. On the fifth day, you can stick to the usual diet.

Milk Diet

Consists entirely of milk and are usually prescribed for those suffering edema. So, during the day should drink small amounts (can be poured into a coffee cup) 800 ml of fresh milk. Usually prescribe a diet for two or three days.

Useful Diet

This diet is designed for salt-free consumption of products. You can fast enough to get rid of a few pounds, if for some time completely give up salt. In this case, such a diet is not only a great tool for weight loss, but is useful for health.

Diet grape

Such a diet can give excellent results, in that case, if every day clysterize. Within two or three days eat only one grape, in unlimited quantities. Cleanses the body of toxins.

Whatever diet you choose, do not violate the principles laid down in it. Answers to the question of whetherhow to lose weight quicklyOften differ from the responses to the question on how to lose weight so that the weight does not come back. It all depends on your goals and the time that you have. But if the diet you still choose, and if it says that you have to stick to the diet for three days, do not stretch it for five days, even if at this point you feel good. Firstly, it is unknown yet, what exactly such a decision may turn out for you - bad skin, bad complexion, acne, split ends, broken stomach - the list can be endless. Secondly, such short-term diets are calculated on a sudden spike diet, which the body will be forced to respond by burning extra calories and longer diet does not lead absolutely to any excess fat loss.

And finally, believe that many diets may even be initially composed not clearly went through the kitchen and so many thousands of women who, like you were wondering,how to lose weight in three daysAnd hone these diets almost to perfection, and therefore, to change anything in them just do not make sense. But go to the doctor to get tested, get tested, make sure that the diet is not harmful to your body, will come in handy!

 Julia Ivanova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: Diet, weight loss