How to learn to cook food diet

How to learn to cook food diet
 The phrase "dietary dish" is much more credible than, for example, the word "cholesterol" or "calorie." This is especially nice phrase for hearing people who want to lose weight. However, the word "diet" originally meant a way of eating a person suffering from any disease. Dietetics - is a science about health, nutrition, and weight loss - it is only one of its components. Therefore, if you want to be not only slim, but healthy - start cooking diet food.

The main task of a dietary food is to help the body to work in the correct mode, maintain a good metabolism and supply the necessary nutrients. By dietary products include raw vegetables and unsweetened fruits, lean meats and fish, herbs, mushrooms, low-fat dairy products, olive oil, citrus fruits, etc..

In order to determine which products are suitable for your individual type of diet should consult a dietician, as such an important matter should not rely solely on the advice of his inner voice. Also dietician can suggest what is a method for preparing a dietary food should give preference in your case.

The distinguishing features of the preparation of dietary dishes more and learn how to cook with their account is not difficult - it depends on the desires and fantasies. The main thing - remember some basic principles.

Reducing the number of mechanical stimuli

By mechanical stimuli include cellulose in plant products, and skin connective tissue of animal origin, as well as substances which are formed on the food in an aggressive heat treatment. In order to become less mechanical stimuli applied and soft grinding heat treatment.

To achieve the desired effect in the preparation of meat products, you must first remove the veins and cartilage, and then skip through the meat grinder piece several times.

During cooking cereals it must seethe in water and then strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth or a sieve - the filter will be a large amount of undissolved cell membranes. Therefore, if you want to cook slimy dish, replace the rump to the corresponding type of meal - rice, buckwheat, oats.

Heat treatment products necessary soft - boiling and stewing, fry or fry foods in any case impossible.

Reducing the number of chemical irritants

The chemical irritants include melanoidins products, products of chemical decomposition of protein and carbohydrates, nitrogenous extractives, as well as some substances contained in the composition of seasonings and spices.

In order to reduce the number of chemical irritants in the product it is necessary to cook the hearth or steamed. There is another rule need to cut the product into pieces no more than 100 grams and the amount of water for cooking must be greater than the product of three times. Start cooking the meat in cold water. A method of braising effective at removing extractives - during the process they go into the steam generation liquid.

Separately on steam cutlets. Unfortunately, steam cutlets in some cases may not be as useful as cooked properly a piece of meat. This refers to the amount of food and extractives - chops them in steam remains more. The fact that used for the preparation of hamburgers as bread, from which steam is not possible to remove these substances. Therefore, steam cutlets can guarantee a reduction of mechanical stimuli, but not chemical.


In the preparation of dietary dishes roasting is strictly prohibited, because during the process on the product formed a crust, causing both mechanical and chemical stimulation.

Stewing and baking

These two types of cooking occupy an intermediate position between a possible way of preparing a dietary product and prohibited. During fire or roasting new chemical stimuli are not formed, but already available are not deleted.

If the product you want to bake or extinguish the best pre-boil the meat, and only then proceed to the final preparation.


One of the important components of the diet food - fresh juice from vegetables, fruits and berries. They will help you prepare a juicer. Just be sure to consult a nutritionist on the choice of a particular juice.

Some general information

To prepare the food, you can use a steam pressure cooker and steamer modern - they not only shorten the cooking time, but also retain vitamins and nutrients. Some products, such as brown rice, is only useful when the steam treatment, whereas when it loses the whole cooking vitamin B1.

For the convenience of cooking mucous soups and soft porridge, you can use a coffee grinder - with the help of the rump easily turn into flour.

Select grinder with pashtetnoy bars for quality grinding meat, fish, offal, and preparation of various sandwich spreads.

Tags: dish, food