How to count calories

How to count calories
 Diets based on calorie counting, the most effective and safe in terms of nutrition. They do not involve any reduction in component supply can be used, and fats and proteins and carbohydrates. It is enough to regulate the incoming energy that you spend. Need to lose weight - reduce intake and increase consumption, you need to get better - do the opposite.
 Find the energy cost of any product is simple, the data on some of the most popular calorie ready meals, you can easily get. Many cooking magazines have printed recipes indicating how many calories contained in a particular dish.

Moreover, all catering establishments are required by the customer's request to provide data on calorie menu. In short, with due attention to calculate the amount of energy consumed can be. The main thing - do not forget about snacking: crackers, chips, nuts and tea also have the energy value, and sometimes very high.

Much more complicated is the calculation of the energy that your body spends. In principle, everything is clear: if the income and expenditure are, you will not get better and not lose weight. You find the information that an adult woman working in the office on the day should consume about 1800 calories. Based on this, you develop your own menu ... and start to gain weight uncontrollably.

Do not take for granted certain averaged data. All people are different, and hence the energy consumption can vary greatly, even among women of the same age, and they sat at the next table in the same office.

First of all, calculate your basic metabolic rate (BMR - basal methabolic rate). This is the energy that your body needs just to live. She performed at the expense of circulation, respiration, digestion.

Calculation formula is simple:
(Weight in kg x 13 7) + (Height in inches x 5) - (Age in Years 6 x 8) + 66 = BMR.

For example, a basic level of metabolism in the Thirty Years' woman weighing 61 kilograms and 170 cm in height is equal to 1547 calories 7. That's how much it will spend, just lying in bed. But you do not lie in bed all day. You work, wash the dishes and go shopping, walking the dog ... In short, the basic level should be multiplied by a factor of physical activity.

It is equal to:
1, 2 - if you do not exercise, you sedentary office work, and you spend the evening at home watching television;
1, 375 - 1-2 times a week light physical activity (light load is considered to be an active shopping or walk to bus stops);
1, 55 - three times a week, go to the gym with an average load;
1, 725 - three times the gym on a heavy load;
1, 9 - you are serious toil in the gym or work as a loader at the port.

The final amount will be the amount of energy you spend on a daily basis. And that is how much should be your daily diet if you do not want to change anything in her figure. Nutritionists do not require payment up to calories. It is enough if you keep yourself in some framework, close to the ideal of 100-150 calories in one direction or another.

Please note that on weekends people tend to change their activity. Someone is lying on the couch all day, and someone goes every Saturday for a bike ride through the mountains. With this monitor the food intake in these days.

You may have to exceed their usual amount of calories consumed. Holidays, unexpected guests, the gala dinner - but you never know the reasons to eat too much. Do not worry! You can compensate for this reduction in caloric intake in the coming days or increasing physical activity. Most importantly, figure out how much your rate is exceeded and that you have to do to put everything in its place.

Once you understand that extra piece of cake will make you three hours to work intensively on a stationary bike, the cake will not seem so appetizing to you.

Tags: calorie factor activity levels, metabolism