How to count calories

How to count calories
 Calculation of the used calories a day laid the foundation of a large number of diets. However, there are cases (and quite often) when calculate calorie ready meals complex is very problematic. Therefore, there are a number of schemes in which you can try to calculate the number of calories you consume by eating, for example, a couple of tablespoons of salad "Olivier".
 Before you engage in calorie count, you need to find a table of all caloric foods. They can search the Internet and in specialized books on cooking. In addition, the calculations will help you, and product packaging. It usually indicates the number of calories in 100 grams of product. Experts recommend that to everyone not just scour the computer or turn the pages of books in search of the necessary information, get a diary of calories. It is convenient for you to write the scheme, how many calories are in a particular product. So it will be easier to look for the right information.

To calculate the calorie content of food or serving, you have to take advantage of weighing. So kitchen scale - is your best friend. Put them on the desired product and weigh. Then substitute the resulting value in the formula: weight x kcal per 100 g = kilocalories entire batch.

Calorie simple dish that consists of several components, for example, vegetable salad, calculated simply. To do this, write in a diary or on paper the name of each of them. Be sure to weigh them individually. And then locate the table caloric value for each product. Then everything is simple: for each formula to calculate the number of calories, then add them together. So you get the total caloric value of food. If you need to calculate the calorie content per serving, you should just use the following formula: total calories x 100 / total weight. So you get the number of calories in 100 grams of salad. Now for the first formula can count calories in your portions.

In order to calculate calorie complex dishes, you need to consider several options. Firstly, it is the weight of water used during cooking. By itself, it has 0 calories, but much heavier weight of the total batch. So you need to know clearly what is the weight of water in portions, and it must be subtracted from the total weight of the portion. As for cereals and pasta, they boil soft when cooked, thereby increasing your weight. This means that they should be weighed just prior to cooking. The meat, on the contrary, is cooked in the cooking process, and thus loses its weight.

All this must be taken into account in the preparation of food to be able to calculate the coefficient of splicing. For example, you have 200 g of cooked macaroni, which are pre-weighed. After drain the water, put them on the scales again. Now suppose that you have turned 385, the then necessary to calculate the ratio of the difference between the dry product and ready. He is considered by the formula: gain weight divided by the source: 385/200 = 2, 825. Now, this indicator can be used in the calculation of calories in the finished dish. For example, you decide to eat a serving of cooked pasta. Learn calorie as follows: weight of the finished product / on the resulting ratio, and after to continue the calculation using the first formula.

If the composite plate, for example, pasta flotski then calculate the specific amount of calories may be only 100 grams total weight. That is the weight of pasta you know, it is calculated according to the formula and add calorie 100g minced (usually in the tables already provided this option).

To count - is not only fun, but also useful. After all, you can just get some food from the fridge and eat. If you count calories, then once again in the fridge you can hardly climb. After all, it will take you a lot of time - weigh, record, count, align. A moderation in food helps in a very short period of time to tidy shape.

Tags: dish calorie calculation