Egg diet for 4 weeks

Egg diet for 4 weeks
 At the beginning of the food regime weigh your weight and at the end of the period (after 4 weeks) you will find that your weight has decreased from 20 to 28 kg. Diet tested edited JustLady women's magazine and forum participants.

At the forum, participants have successfully had served on the egg diet every 4 weeks. And just as there are those who sit on this diet now. Join now!

This mode of supply does not rely on calorie intake, as the chemical reactions occurring in the body. And therefore it is necessary to strictly observe the regime without any changes, or use this diet will not. If you decide to remove any product in this mode, then in any case do not put in its place another.

- It should drink more water;
- Vegetables are cooked in water without any additions broth, add salt, pepper, seasoning, onion, garlic;
- Do not add oils and fats;
- You can drink a glass of soda at any time, as a jar or two soft drinks (diet);
- Allowed to drink at any time of tea or coffee without sugar or milk, you can substitute sugar;
- If you experience hunger to eat cucumbers or carrots or lettuce, but compliance with the time (2 hours) after the prescribed food;
- It is necessary to strictly observe this mode with the same products and quantity, and not to change the lunch with dinner and vice versa;
- If you want to follow the decrease in your weight, then weigh 1 time per day in the morning after using the toilet;
- You can not stay at a certain period mode, resume it from the same point, you need to go back to the beginning. The same applies if a mistake was made;
- Preferred sports;
- After the mode you will have a sense of rapid filling of the stomach, even if the food was low; it will help you keep track of your weight within a few months, but with the condition of moderate reception calories and sugar;
- If there is a desire to repeat mode again, it is preferable to repeat twice the first and fourth week.
- If the mode is not indicated the number of a product, then it can take any amount up to saturation.
- This mode is suitable for all ages, and no need to take additional time regime any vitamins.

Egg diet for 4 weeks

Egg diet: menu for 4 weeks

The first week

Daily breakfast: 1/2 orange or grapefruit and 1-2 boiled eggs
Lunch: any one type of fruit, and in any quantity (oranges, apples, pears, apricots, melons, watermelons, etc.)
Dinner: fried or boiled meat (slices or forcemeat without fat), except mutton
Dinner: boiled or roast chicken without skin
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, salad (cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, carrots) 1 1/4 toast or tortillas, 1 orange or grapefruit
Lunch: any cheese (low-fat) in any quantity, 1 toast, tomatoes
Dinner: fried or boiled meat (slices or forcemeat without fat), except mutton
Lunch: any one type of fruit, and in any quantity (oranges, apples, pears, apricots, melons, watermelons, etc.)
Dinner: fried or boiled meat (slices or forcemeat without fat), except mutton, lettuce
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, boiled vegetables (squash or beans or carrots or peas)
Dinner: boiled or fried fish, salad, 1 orange or grapefruit
Lunch: any one type of fruit, and in any quantity (oranges, apples, pears, apricots, melons, watermelons, etc.)
Dinner: fried or boiled meat (slices or forcemeat without fat), except mutton, lettuce
Dinner: boiled or fried chicken without the skin, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, 1 orange or grapefruit
Dinner: boiled vegetables

The second week

Daily breakfast: 1/2 orange or grapefruit and 1-2 boiled eggs
Lunch: fried or boiled meat, salad
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, salad, 1 orange or grapefruit
Lunch: fried or boiled meat, salad
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 1 orange or grapefruit
Lunch: fried or boiled meat, cucumbers
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 1 orange or grapefruit
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, any white cheese (low-fat) in any quantity, boiled vegetables
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs
Dinner: boiled or fried fish
Dinner: 2 eggs
Lunch: fried or boiled meat, tomato, 1 orange or grapefruit
Dinner: a mixture of fresh fruits (orange, mandarin, melon, peach, apple)
Dinner: boiled or fried chicken without the skin, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, 1 orange or grapefruit
Dinner: boiled or fried chicken without the skin, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, 1 orange or grapefruit

The third week

During the day, any fruit in any amount at any time, in conjunction with any other fruit except: grapes, mango, figs, bananas, figs.
Throughout the day, any cooked vegetables and any salads, except combinations with potatoes and dry grasses.
During the day, any of the fruits mentioned above, any cooked vegetables, salads in any amount at any time.
Fish boiled or fried in any quantity, salad (only cabbage or salad) in any quantity, boiled vegetables.
Meat boiled or roasted lean, except for lamb or chicken, cooked vegetables.
Saturday and Sunday
Throughout the day, one type of fruit in any amount at any time (only apples or pears only or only peaches, apricots, or only).

The fourth week

Mentioned products are distributed for the whole day without a certain amount of time, but without the extras.
4 slices of fried or boiled meat or cooked chicken 1/4
3 tomatoes, cucumber 4
1 jar of tuna without oil (or water-washed)
1 toast
1 orange or grapefruit
2 slices of fried or boiled meat (up to 200 grams)
3 tomatoes, cucumber 4
1 toast
An apple or a pear, or 1 slice of melon or orange, or grapefruit
1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, or any white cheese (fat-free)
Small plate of boiled vegetables
2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers
1 toast
1 orange or grapefruit
1/2 boiled or fried chicken
3 tomatoes, cucumber
1 toast
1 orange or grapefruit
One kind of these fruits
2 boiled eggs
1 salad, 3 tomatoes
1 orange or grapefruit
2 cooked chicken breasts
1/8 kilo of cheese, or cheese
1 toast
2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, yogurt
1 orange or grapefruit
1 tablespoon of cottage cheese
Jar tuna without oil
Small plate of boiled vegetables
2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers
1 toast
1 orange or grapefruit

Egg diet for 4 weeks

Attention !!!
This strict diet and observe it must be exactly as it is written !!!!

If you eat something that is not listed, it means that the diet you need to start over !!!

About the salad: in brackets specified what to eat, then eat what is written, if not, then there because of lettuce

EGGS IS TO !!!!!!!!

If the meat is written - so eat meat !!! And if the chicken = & gt; means chicken

FRUITS: oranges, apples, pears, apricots, melons, watermelons, pineapples, peaches, kiwi, pomelo, tangerines, grapefruits, plums ....

except: grapes, mangoes, dates, bananas, figs.

"Boiled vegetables": zucchini zucchini OR OR OR eggplant squash or beans (dry beans boiled) OR beans (preferably leguminous it low-calorie) or carrots or green peas (frozen - boiled). One thing.

"ANY cooked vegetables": All vegetables, except potatoes.

"Fat cheese" cheese with the lowest% fat, which you will find no more than 16-17%.
You can eat cheese instead of cottage cheese, fat-free, too.

Need to begin a diet menu Monday, no matter what day you start.

For those who are afraid of number of eggs))

Eggs - as a dietary food

Eggs are an excellent source of niacin - a substance needed to supply the brain and the formation of sex hormones. Included in their composition and vitamin K, which provides blood clotting, and choline, improves memory and prints poisons from the liver. Furthermore, eggs contain vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, biotin, niacin and folic acid, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium, iodine, copper, cobalt, as well as valuable proteins and bioregulators.

Many argue that the eggs - it's junk food that is poorly digested. This statement can not be categorically denied. Just the thing is, as it cooked eggs. The following pattern here - the longer the egg to cook or fry, the slower it is digested by the body. Ideal in this respect, dietitians say egg, cooked boiled. It is sufficient for digestion of one to two hours. But the hard-boiled egg or scrambled eggs needed for this is not less than three hours. Eggs are not high-calorie food.

Apparently, the feeling of satiety, which occurs after even one eaten eggs, and gave rise to the myth of the caloric eggs. In fact, the egg is a unique product for dieters. With a composition of the whole set of vital substances, it contains an average of 80-100 kcal (depending on size). And by the way, almost all of these calories are contained in the yolk.

Why are the basis of this diet eggs?

Scientists conducted a study and concluded that people who start their day with a boiled, fried or scrambled eggs lose two-thirds more weight than others.

The secret of the effect of eggs is that their use quickly becomes saturated, and the feeling of hunger does not appear for a long time. In the experiment, researchers from Louisiana State University followed the gastronomic preferences of women who are overweight.

Women who followed a diet low in fat, offered for breakfast or two eggs or a bagel. In this and in other product containing the same number of calories. In addition, both groups of women ate the same amount offered eggs and bagels.

However, after 8 weeks of breakfast women who consumed eggs have lost 65% more weight, their waist almost halved compared with those who ate bagels. In addition, women who eat breakfast eggs, feel much fitter and more energetic.

A previous study of the same scientists have found that those who consumed eggs for breakfast, feel satiated for longer than lovers of sandwiches with cheese. As a result, they eat less during the day. It is not known why the eggs make people feel full for a long time, but the high protein content, of course, plays a big role.

Dr. Nikhil Dhurandhar, who led the research, said: "Although the same number of calories, eggs saturate the body much better than many other products. After this breakfast for dinner one eats less. The effect of the use of eggs lasts 24 hours."

Tags: filter, pregnancy, Ambassador, forum, zucchini, magazine, diet, base, orange, egg, grapefruit, acceptance, use, review, recipe, Vladimir, interaction, harmony, Reduxine, Mirkin