Dietary bread: loaves benefits for weight loss, calorie breads

 Every modern man knows what bread. Currently, there are many manufacturers producing various kinds of this, no doubt, tasty and healthy product. And for those who have already managed to try bread, use their undoubted and obvious.

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How useful bread?

First of all, the fact that they are low-calorie product that is useful not only to those who usebread diet. Nowadays, there are entirely new species of bread, as cereals. Outwardly, they look like, maybe not so appetizing as usual eye puffy buns, but bring undoubted benefit the body.

How is the process of making the most useful, grain loaves? Something he recalled all the familiar production of popcorn and called extrusion (this method allows you to attach any form of loaves). Preparing a wet mixture of grains, eggs and flour, then this mass goes into special tanks where hot air is rapidly evaporating, which tend to leave grains, tearing them from the inside. Through this process, we get ready bread porous consistency.

These breads are made from different cereals. Therefore, they are not only rye and wheat, but also maize, rice, buckwheat, barley. Due to the lack of preparation technology and ingredients in the composition of buns, bread - only a dietary product.

An interesting fact is thatcalorie breads not much lower than conventional calorie bread. However, the "bread calories" is easily absorbed by the body, and to get calories from bread, he has to work hard and a certain amount of calories - to spend.

Probably, it is difficult to find another product that is as rich and minerals, and vitamins as bread. However, the use of loaves is not limited to the fact that they bring to the human body the vitamins and minerals contained in grains of different varieties.

In addition, the loaves contain a lot of fiber. All modern humans probably already know that for the normal functioning of the human body in great need not only proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals.

Dietary bread: loaves benefits for weight loss, calorie breads

Cellulose, which is a dietary fiber is not digested by the human body, because it does not produce the enzymes to break down cellulose. But pectin, hemicellulose and some non-carbohydrate compounds that are contained in the tissue, are able to retain moisture and increase the bolus of food, which moves in the human gut. When formed lump of food sufficient volume, it is easier to promote the intestines.

Just fiber is a breeding ground for those living in the human gut beneficial microorganisms. And yet it is fiber absorbs and takes away the body of carcinogens, toxins. Lack of fiber can lead to the development of atherosclerosis, gallstones, diabetes.

So, a day modern man must receive no less than 25 grams of fiber. Now let us compare. 25 grams of fiber can be obtained from 6 loaves of rye bread, or from 2, 5 pounds of cabbage, or 1 kilogram of oatmeal. You can, of course, still try to eat 3 pounds per day or 3 pounds of potatoes buckwheat. But it is possible to use in food 100 or 150 grams of loaves!Benefits loaves evident.

It is necessary to carefully examine the range of breads, and it becomes clear that some of them can be found bread with wheat bran, sea cabbage and carrots, beta-carotene. At the same time, though, there are varieties of ordinary bread with the same additives, they do not keep up with the loaves in the saturation accompanying substances, due to which there is an additional volume of the body needs minerals and vitamins.

But just bread supply in the human body easily assimilated protein. Nowadays, many involved in fitness and know how important protein for muscle function.

Good anduseful breadWhich side one looks at them! However, it is worth remembering that the most useful substances in large quantities becomes poison: in everything you need to know when to stop.

 Viktor Fyodorov
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: calorie, calories, diet, use, weight loss, bread, assortment