Diet Sun - prepare your skin for summer

 The holiday season is slowly but surely approaching spring sun's rays begin to warm stronger and comes time to think about preparing the skin for the summer. During this period, the right diet is especially important because it helps protect the skin from changes in temperature and to recover from the lack of vitamins in the winter. Women's magazine JustLady offer you some tips on nutrition, which will please not only the stomach, but also your skin.

1. Good digestion - The key to healthy skin. On our skin instantly recognized violations during digestion. To help the stomach to cope better with the food eaten, eating always at certain hours, chew well, eat slowly. Make sure that the food to be easy, while cooking, use as little fat.

2. A complete and balanced diet. Among the protective mechanisms of the skin takes place the main substance melanin, it is responsible for the appearance of tanning (including a solarium). When unbalanced diet or too low-calorie diet (less than 1200 kcal / day), the process of melanin production is disrupted. To reduce the impact of sunlight and get a nice tan skin just need good nutrition.

3. Moisturize from the inside. The skin under the influence of many factors loses moisture quickly, without having to recover. This stems not only this summer the hot sun and air, but also central heating and heaters in winter. Dehydrated skin is more vulnerable to the effects of UV rays, dry skin also burns faster. That is why in the summer it is recommended to drink at least 1, 5 - 2 liters of water a day. Maintaining the water level at the proper level throughout the year (1-1, 5 liters), you slow down the formation of wrinkles and helps to remove toxins, the skin looks healthy.

4. Enemies skin hiding in daily habits, they need caution to avoid premature aging of the skin. So, alcohol dehydrates the skin and leads to vasodilatation and predisposes to reddening of the skin. Tobacco constricts blood vessels, thereby hindering the supply of oxygen and preventing the regeneration of elastic fibers. Stressful situations undermine the supply of vitamins B and C.

5. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and prevents the formation of free radicals which have already released in a short contact of the skin to the sun. It is free radicals by 70% to blame for the aging of the skin. Vitamin C also stimulates collagen production. Sources of vitamin C known to all - citrus fruits, kiwi, and in summer they added red and black currants, strawberries, bell peppers and so on.

6. Vitamin A enhances the activity of enzymes that are responsible for the regeneration of the skin and makes it stronger and more resistant to the negative impact from the outside. The main sources of vitamin A - eggs, saltwater fish, liver, kidneys, dates, apricots, green parts of plants, dairy products and so on.

7. Iron oxygenates the skin. To saturate the skin necessary oxygen in the blood must contain enough iron, it just delivers oxygen to the cells in the form of hemoglobin. Meat, seafood, eggs contain iron in an amount sufficient to cover the needs of the organism. In combination with vitamin C, iron absorption increases.

8. Zinc, sulfur and silicon - These minerals also take care of our skin. Zinc (fish, seafood, pumpkin seeds) interacts with vitamin A in the process of regeneration of the skin and is essential for the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Sulfur (peas, cabbage, brewer's yeast) promotes skin pigmentation, which is especially important for even tan. Silicon (bran, onions, dried fruit) defines the mineral in the fight against the loss of skin elasticity.

9. Protective beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a precursor of vitamin A, it promotes the production of melanin, thereby accelerating the tanning. Beta-carotene is found in all the orange-red fruits and vegetables (carrots, peaches, red bell peppers, tomatoes), as well as in spinach and parsley. Get in the habit to eat every day for one of these products in their raw form. Rich in beta-carotene diet not only prepares the skin to tan, but also gives it a healthy color.

10. Proteins essential for skin renewal. To Melanin is produced smoothly, which is especially important when exposed to sunlight, in the diet should be sufficient protein-rich foods. Protein-rich foods of animal origin (meat, fish, cheese, eggs), legumes (beans, peas, soybeans), grains (semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal), pasta, nuts.

11. Vitamin E - a powerful antioxidantIts ability to deal with the processes of oxidation of the skin when exposed to UV rays to prevent premature aging. To enrich the diet with vitamin E, it is enough to add to your daily diet two tablespoons of olive oil extra virgin (first pressing), half an avocado or 20 gr. almonds. Do not forget that the above high-calorie foods and the principle of "more is better" in this case does not work, because the extra calories will make themselves known quickly in problem areas.

12. Vitamin B - The real essence of health for the skin. B vitamins B (especially B1, B2, B3 and B5) are responsible for the health and defenses of the skin. Increasing their content in the daily diet can even prevent some types of skin allergies (including allergies to the sun) and improve its resistance to the negative impact of external factors. Green leafy vegetables, whole grains, yeast and fish supply B vitamins in sufficient quantities.

13. Reduce your consumption of coffee. Abuse of coffee reduces the reserves of B vitamins, magnesium and zinc. Rasprobuet herbal teas that are not only useful, but also help to activate the process of digestion, besides, they moisturize the skin. To get a refreshing drink tea, add a few ice cubes and a slice of lemon. Green tea is also a powerful antioxidant.

14. Omega-3 and Omega-6 - They contain nutrients and antioxidants allow you to restore damaged skin cells and neutralize free radicals in the body. In addition, they allow the skin to return the lost moisture, which is particularly important after sun exposure. Fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 found in fish, dried fruits and seeds of plants. Increase their share in the diet in the summer or during the holidays, and you get the effect of after-sun lotions inside.

15. The fibers against constipation. Balanced work intestines and timely removal of toxins from the body - is the basis of healthy and fresh skin. During warmer months, the patency of the intestine slows down somewhat, which increases susceptibility to constipation. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, daily diet should be rich in fiber (fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, bran). Do not forget the large amount of fluid, preferably water.

Follow the rules of the diet for healthy skin is necessary not only in summer but all year long, because the negative impact of stressful situations and await your face every day.

Balanced nutrition and have a positive impact not only on the skin of your face, but also on the state of the organism as a whole. On the face can not only judge the age and habits of its owner, but also to diagnose many diseases and disorders in the body, but we tell about this separately.

Vitaly Belinskaya

Tags: diet, carotene