Diet for the treatment of gastric

Diet for the treatment of gastric
 Stomachache interfere with daily life. If it occurs often enough, it is necessary to reflect on the diet. In the early stages to avoid severe disease of the stomach will help compliance with therapeutic diet.
 Heartburn, increased or decreased acidity, gastritis is not only unpleasant and painful, they can trigger the development of more serious chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. When the first symptoms should pay attention and immediately begin treatment.

Various medications struggling with heartburn or promote digestion, relieve pain and symptoms only, often leaving the disease begins to develop. Over time, such a state of neglect can lead to serious health problems.

If you feel unusual heaviness in the abdomen or pain after eating there, relax. Do not engage in hard work, let your stomach to cope with its task. Cause painful abdominal cramping can serve as stress. Do not overdo it, sleep allotted time, less worry.

If rest does not help, and stomach pains are a frequent occurrence for you, change your diet everyday, at least temporarily. Remove from the usual menu of fatty, salty, spicy, junk food (meat, cheese, smoked), flour, sweet, as well as milk. Such food overloads the gastrointestinal tract, aggravating your condition.

Meals should be taken at the same time each day at regular intervals. Optimally, there should be three meals at intervals of four hours. That's how much time is required for a full stomach digesting food. It is necessary to completely eliminate snacking.

Do not forget to drink about two liters of fluid daily. Remember that the last time the water you can drink for half an hour before a meal, and again only two hours after. Excess fluid stops the process of digestion is not completely suck.

In the early stages of the disease of the stomach enough time to comply with the diet. For breakfast, take it a rule to have oatmeal on the water with fruit or dried fruit. You can add a handful of nuts morning diet after a few weeks of dieting.

For lunch should be eaten fresh soups vegetable broth. Reduce the consumption of meat, it is digested for a long time and with a strong increase in acidity. Completely excluding purchased sausage, smoked. Bread should have a two-day, or to dry breadcrumbs.

Dinner should be carried out no later than two hours before bedtime. Eat boiled vegetables, porridge on the water. Fruits should be eaten separately from vegetables, as they are digested faster. The best time for fruit - breakfast, the body needs a lot of carbohydrates for productive work day.

A few weeks diet will help you to relieve the inflammation of the stomach. However, if the pain will resume again, do not delay a visit to a gastroenterologist. The doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis, assign the appropriate treatment in the form of diet and drugs.

If you have previously already been worsening stomach, you should stick to your diet permanently. Light food, time division reception will allow you to avoid relapse in the future.

Tags: stomach, diet, medication