Diet Dr. Laskin - how the technique

Diet Dr. Laskin - how the technique
 To date, cancer - one of the most difficult and intractable diseases. People who heard the terrible diagnosis, willing to do anything just to get rid of or at least slow down the development of the disease: they swallow kerosene, decoctions of poisonous plants, are sitting on a starvation diet. They can be understood in this struggle all means are good. However, there are more than adequate means by which it is possible to significantly improve the condition, and cure it, and such patients. One such way is to diet Dr. Laskin, which today is a women's magazine JustLady.

Himself Dr. Laskin, who developed this highly effective way of eating modestly repeats: "I do not heal, I prolong life." However, a great number of followers of this method argue thatdiet Dr. Laskin helped them, when it would seem, has already exhausted all means. Moreover, this diet has been favorably accepted by oncologists and many of them confidently recommend it to their patients.

The main features of the diet are the "shock" dose of buckwheat and wild rose, and the almost complete exclusion from the diet of sugar and salt.

Why buckwheat and wild rose? According to research scientists in this rump and rose hips contains a special ingredient - quercetin, which is able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
Also in buckwheat are a large number of vegetable protein, which is intended to replace a sick animal proteins.

Diet Dr. Laskin: basic principles

1. Vegetables and fruits consumed mainly in raw form, pay special attention to the fruit with red and green color.
2. If the product can be eaten raw, avoid all kinds of heat treatment.
3. Drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day.
4. Eliminate any canned foods
5. Drink enough dietary fiber (chronic constipation indicate a lack of fiber).

Animal proteins may have a calibrated quantity: 60 g per day for men and 40 g - women.

Refined sugar is generally possible to eliminate a quantity of permissible salt 0 5 g per day.

Basal diet (stage II) can be diversified by substituting vegetables other vegetable products or supplementing the diet of fermented milk (strictly follow the daily consumption of animal protein).

Diet Dr. Laskin: I stage

At this stage (47 days) diet diet strictly limited, to add anything not recommended.

For half an hour before breakfast eat a portion of porridge from the hips.
B after 30 minutes. Buckwheat prescription doctor Laskin.
An hour later: green tea, raisins.

Half an hour before lunch. Porridge with honey from the hips.
Lunch Time. Buckwheat prescription doctor Laskin, green tea, raisins.
Dinner. Buckwheat prescription doctor Laskin, raisins, green tea.

Daily I will take fresh juices, alternating weekdays: pineapple, blueberry, citrus. Sunday: half a cup of pineapple juice and half a cup of coconut milk.

Diet Dr. Laskin: Phase II

At this stage it is possible to add to the diet of fruits: apricots, prunes (up to 6 units per day), figs (2 pieces). It is recommended to use nuts: almonds, peanuts, Brazil (up to a quarter cup) and bran (4, 5 g).

Menu 7 days

Fasting (all days): porridge with honey from the hips.

B after 30 minutes.

1st, 3rd, 6th day

Buckwheat porridge prescription Dr. Laskin, green tea, two slices of bread from wheat flour, raisins.

2nd and 4th days

Oatmeal prescription Dr. Laskin, green tea, bread from wheat flour (2 slices), raisins.

5th, 7th days

Rice porridge prescription doctor Laskin, green tea, raisins, nuts, two slices of bread from wheat flour.


1st and 4th days

Fresh blueberries (1-2 cups).

2nd, 5th days

Bunch of grapes with seeds.

3-1, 6th and 7th days

Fresh pineapple.

Half an hour before dinner (all days): porridge with honey rosehip powder.

Lunch Time

1st and 4th days

Soup of beans, a portion of salad from fresh vegetables, salmon.

2nd, 5th days

Lentil soup, a portion of fresh vegetables, meat, chicken.

3rd, 6th and 7th days

Soup with mushrooms and roots, 2 slices of bread of wheat flour, a portion of steamed vegetables, a glass of freshly squeezed juice.


All days

Nuts, steamed vegetables, raisins, green tea.

Diet Dr. Laskin: Notes

The proportions of the use of vegetables to meat and fish 3: 1.
The duration of the diet - half a year.
The first 47 days of this diet strictly adhere.

Diet Dr. Laskin Recipes

Porridge of rosehips

Rose hips (100 g) in a coffee grinder to grind to a state of flour, sift. The remaining large pieces manually pound pestle and add to the flour. Tablespoon of powder pour cold boiled water to obtain a liquid paste. Add a dessert spoon of natural flower honey. Eat slowly.

Buckwheat prescription doctor Laskin

Half a cup of washed buckwheat cook 0, 5 liters of water for 15 minutes. Two minutes before the end of cooking, add 1 tbsp. l. wheat bran. When the porridge is ready, add 2 tbsp. l. olive oil (cold pressed).

Oatmeal prescription doctor Laskin

Half a cup of oatmeal (can be flakes), 1 tbsp. spoon of wheat bran pour 0, 5 liters of boiling water. Leave evaporated for 10-15 minutes under the lid and carefully wrapped. When the porridge is ready, add two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.

Rice porridge prescription doctor Laskin

0, 5 cups of brown rice pour 0, 5 liters of boiling water. Cook for 25 minutes over medium heat, stirring constantly. 10 minutes before end of cooking add a tablespoon of wheat bran. Before the meal, pour two tablespoons of olive oil.

Lentil soup diet for Dr. Laskin

Three-fourths cup of lentils take one onion, 2 stalks of parsley, celery, fennel, carrots couple, a sprig of tarragon, a little thyme, a liter of water. Chopped vegetables and lentils to put in boiling water and cook on low heat for 30 minutes. In the middle of cooking, add herbs.

Bean soup

A glass of beans, 2 stalks of celery, 3 carrots, onion slice and drop into boiling water (1 liter). Cook over low heat for 30 minutes. 10 minutes until cooked add 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Mushroom soup with vegetables

50 g of burdock root, 100g shiitake mushrooms, 1 beet, 3 stalks of asparagus, 3 stalks celery, carrots, 3 cloves of garlic, onion, 100 grams of cabbage cut and dipped in boiling water. Simmer, stirring occasionally, for half an hour.


Skinless chicken (200 g) cut into small pieces and put out in a pan with a small amount of water for 3 minutes. Add to it two large chopped onion, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and fry until golden brown.

Separately, mix a tablespoon of white wine, two tablespoons of orange juice, a teaspoon of grated ginger, a teaspoon of orange zest and add to the meat toasty. Stew meat in the sauce for five minutes, put on a plate, add a cup of seedless grapes.

Remember that diet Dr. Laskin severely restricts the use of animal protein.


In a frying pan with high sides to put about 150 grams of salmon, 5 pieces of shiitake mushrooms, asparagus stalks couple, two medium tomatoes, 1 salad pepper, clove of garlic, five grapes seedless, pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Simmer on low heat for about 20 minutes. Before serving, drizzle with lemon juice and sprinkle with dill.

Fresh vegetables

To prepare the daily fresh salad forDiet Dr. Laskin You can use any vegetables, except potatoes and cabbage. As condiments you can take, alternating with each other, garlic, dill, parsley, a tablespoon of kelp, mint leaves, green onions. Refills recommended lemon juice, olive oil, dried dill.
Salad not salt.

Steamed vegetables

To extinguish can make a mixture of beet (1 pc.), Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower (100 g), carrots (2 pcs.), Salad pepper (1 pc.), Pumpkin (100 g). All cut, add a tablespoon of olive oil and simmer for half an hour.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: diet, doctor, review, critic, weasel