Cindy Crawford - diet secrets

Cindy Crawford - diet secrets
 One of the most famous, successful and beautiful top models in the world Cindy Crawford always looks great. Even the birth of children is absolutely no effect on her figure. And all because Cindy has a whole range of personal care - this beauty treatments, and fitness, and, of course, diet.
 In order to bring the figure in good condition, according to the well-known model, you need a little: moderate exercise some restraint and eating habits. Fans of the model around the world happily sit on her proposed two options for the diet to bring his figures in order.

The first variant is based on the use as it calls itself a top model, a magic cabbage. Follow this diet simply because of the cabbage just need to cook a certain soup that you'll have to eat for the week.

Soup recipe is quite simple: take fresh cabbage, carrots 5-6, 2-3 onions onions, 6 feathers green onions and any herbs to taste. All this must be cut and folded into a pan, then pour 5 liters of water and cook until tender. For those who are not attracted to eat some vegetables may be added to the soup 1, 5 cups of pre-boiled rice.

But little magic cook soup, it must be taken in combination with certain products that was noticeable effect. For this purpose, the menu is a week. So, on the first day you must eat the soup, any vegetables and 150 grams of low-fat yogurt. On the second day replace the vegetables for fruit, and everything else remains the same. On the third day along with the soup and yogurt you can eat and vegetables, and fruits. The fourth day involves only soup. On the fifth day of the diet eat only soup and fruit. Food sixth day is the same as in the first and in the seventh - as in the third. Specialists claim: during this diet can safely say goodbye to 3 overweight.

The second variant of struggle with imperfections figures called wonderful and also based on the daily consumption of a certain soup. The recipe is quite simple - six large onions, six bouillon cubes, parsley root, 2 sweet peppers, half of a large head of cabbage, tomatoes, four large carrots, soy sauce and seasoning to taste. All the vegetables cut into pieces or sticks, dipped in 5.6 liters of water, add bouillon cubes and cook until tender. For seven days you can eat as you want. But then again - you need to properly combine with other products.

On the first day there is need soup and all the fruit (except bananas). But the second day, the menu consists of raw and cooked vegetables (all except beans and peas) and soup. The third day involves food soup, fruits and vegetables (you can not just potatoes and bananas). On the fourth day you can afford to 5-6 pieces of banana, 5/6 cup skim milk and soup. On the fifth day of your meal should be, of course, soup, 6 tomatoes 6 cups of water and 200 grams of fat-free yogurt. On the sixth day you eat any vegetables in unlimited quantities and soup. And on the seventh to your diet include rice, vegetables (roots), fruit juices without sugar, tea and coffee in an amount that you want. And do not forget about the soup.

This diet is good because it can stick to it as much as necessary. In addition, it is perfectly cleanses the body of toxins. A week supply under the scheme can easily part with 7 pounds of excess weight.

 Author: Shatokhina Anna

Tags: diet secret of Cindy Crawford