Beach diet: lose weight in 2 weeks!

 Summer at the beach every woman wants to look at 100%. To achieve coherent and enviable figure, it is necessary to work hard! And if your problem has already gone beyond "a couple of extra pounds," then, alas, no effective diet will not do here. JustLady talks about one of the most popular in Hollywood "beach" diet.

Popular Beach Diet was developed by cardiologist Arthur Agatston from New York University. Initially, he offered it to their patients who have been overweight - it's undoubtedly provides extra strain on the heart.

Subsequently, the diet is widespread, as proved to be very effective.

Interestingly, many famous people held Agatston developed the diet. They include Catherine Zeta-Jones, Nicole Kidman, Oprah Winfrey, star of "Sex and the City", Kim Cattrall, and Clinton presidential couple - Bill and Hillary.

In his interview, Bill has repeatedly said that virtually all of his celebrity friends sat just on this diet.

The purpose of the diet is to eliminate from the diet "bad" carbohydrates, carbohydrates with high glycemic index (above 55) and fat, which, in fact, lead to weight gain.

Simple carbohydrates can use - they are digested very quickly and removed from the body by inhibiting the recruitment of extra pounds.

The diet consists of three phases.

Phase one

This stage lasts 14 days diet for which very limited. You will have to give up eating most foods rich in carbohydrates.

Prohibited products:

- Fatty meat
- Bread
- Figure

- Potato
- Corn
- Milk, juices

- Pastry, cakes
- Fruit, berries
- Pasta

- Alcohol
- Some vegetables: beets, carrots, sweet tomatoes
- Any sweets, including ice cream and

It is necessary to emphasize that you have to give up all sweets, since their composition is sugar.

There is a need food rich in proteins:

- Lean meat (beef, pork, veal)
- White meat poultry (chicken, turkey)
- Seafood (fish, crustaceans)

- Nuts (almonds, peanuts, pistachios, pecans)
- Cheese (cheddar, feta, mozzarella, parmesan)
- Eggs

- Vegetables (cucumbers, cabbage, beans, eggplant, zucchini)
- Low-fat cottage cheese, tofu
- Green

- Mushrooms
- Olive oil, sunflower oil

Strictly adhering to the proposed plan, 2 weeks might get rid of extra 3-6 pounds. Hunger should not worry, there is often little is recommended - up to 6 times a day.

You can try:

Shrimp with tomatoes


500 g of tomato
500 g peeled shrimp
2 tbsp. tablespoons olive oil
2 limes,
1 onion
1/2 tsp. Cumin
1/2 tsp. Salt
little pepper

Method of preparation

Heat the oven to 230 degrees. Chop the tomatoes and onions, stir and put in a small pan, add cumin and lime juice.

Shrimp drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper and place on top of the tomatoes and onions. All put in the oven and bake for about 8 minutes, until shrimp are not porozoveyut. Serve it warm.

Phase Two

This period lasts until you reach the desired weight and shape, or until such time until the weight no longer decreasing. If those extra pounds cease to go, then you have reached your ideal weight.

Eat in the second phase also need to frequently and in small portions, but very little diet expands.

As the number of authorized products can gradually add:

- Low-fat dairy products (cheese, milk, yogurt, kefir)
- Unsweetened fruit and berries (apples, grapes, pears, bananas, cherries, strawberries, watermelon)
- Brown bread
- Brown rice

In a small number of allowed dark chocolate and wine. White bread, flour products, white rice, products containing starch, sweets again to exclude.

Himself compiler diet in the second stage recommends eating fried in hot oil broccoli and couscous with chicken and lemon.

You can try:

Couscous with chicken and lemon


500 g of finished couscous
250 g chicken
200 g broccoli florets
1 cup water
1 tbsp. tablespoon olive oil
1 tsp. Lemon peel
juice of 1 lemon

Method of preparation

In the pan to pour out the water and oil in the fry broccoli minutes. Then add the sliced ​​chicken and fry until cooked.

In the end, add the lemon juice, zest and couscous, mix well. Remove from heat, cover with a lid on for 5 minutes and you can bring to the table.

Phase Three

The final stage begins when the desired result is achieved - now it is important to learn how to fix and maintain the desired weight. This period is the longest - it lasts a lifetime. In fact, this new way of life that you have to take if you want to stay slim forever.

The number of meals is reduced to four, and the diet included almost all the products previously prohibited, except potatoes, flour and bread made with white flour and sugar.

Should not be abused and sweets. However, sometimes the last, the final stage can be pampered forbidden foods.

As a developer of diet on this occasion has its own view, he argues that if the first two phases were successful, you just do not want to eat what is forbidden.

You can try:

Chocolate covered strawberries


50 g of dark chocolate
1/2 Art. Spoon whipped cream
8 strawberries
a little chopped almonds

Method of preparation

Chocolate is good chop, mix with cream and warm up on low heat until until chocolate is melted. Add a pinch of almonds and allow to cool slightly.

Dip each berry in chocolate and neatly laid out on a plate, place in refrigerator until completely freezing - about 15 minutes.

Pros and cons

As with any diet, there are some positive and negative aspects.


- Authorized products range is quite wide;
- Diet helps with hypertension and prevent the development of cardiovascular disease;

- There is no strict schedule of meals;
- There is no feeling of hunger: allowed to eat as much, to be satisfied;
- First results are achieved quickly enough - within the first 2 weeks.


- Certain types of permitted meat require long cooking;

- Although the list of approved products is quite wide, from certain prohibited "forever" - especially sweets - for most of us it is very difficult to refuse.

- First, the most severe, the phase of the diet are not all;

- Initial weight loss can be caused by the withdrawal from the body is not fat, and water! Carbohydrates provide the body with energy, and in view of the refusal of them begins to consume water stored in muscle tissue.

Anastasia Vladykina

Tags: Diet, weight loss